chapter eleven

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"What did you think?"

He had just left the refreshing chambers and was donning a clean uniform.

"Tell me all of it. Come on, tell me about your match."

The grey candora went on quickly and was efficient. Grey was the color of royalty. Frick wore black. Military. It was the perfect garment. Warm when he needs to be warm. Cool when he needed to be cool. It was easy to move in, easy to fight in. His boots were lightweight and durable.

"You must have some thoughts."

He was used to his friend's need to talk. It had been the same since they were children. Frick talking and Kellum listening.

He had just finished his training then his workout. Next, he had a meeting with his advisors.

His bodyguards and his family had been asked to join in on the first half of the meeting.

Invading a planet consist of a lot of meetings. His life consists of more meetings than he cared for.

"Was she pretty?"

"Does it matter?"

His guards were waiting outside the door along with his sister. When he stepped out of the room, he fell into place at the lead of the group.

"Kellum is once again being a wealth of information. Pensley, you met her, what did you think?"

"I reserve judgment."

"I liked her. She has a very caring soul. She is in a lot of pain."

"The session was shown to me," Kellum replied.

"Ninety-eight percent. Only one other person has received higher."

"The numbers are more than we had hoped for."

Pensley and Frey were the highest up to now, the highest in ten years, at ninety-five. Ninety-five or higher is considered a perfect match.

"Who do you think has it worse? Savion or me?"

"You will find a match, Frick. Others are coming every day."

"I win then. Has anyone done the math yet? Savion must wait twelve long years. Never mind, I decided he wins. He is worse off."

"Why are we speaking in this language? I do not care for it."

"It is still new to us and we need to know it as well as we know our own."

"Godrick, sounds like a fool. Use your tongue more."

Godrick, gave him a shove.

Nothing ever fazed Frick. "Kellum, stop being the future king for five minutes and tell me what you thought about the girl."

"She is acceptable."

"She is acceptable? Pensley, when you found out Frey was your mate, how did you feel?"

His look said it all.

"We have wondered our whole lives if there would ever be anyone for us and all you have to say is, she is acceptable? At this point, she could have one eye and have hair over ninety percent of her body, and she would be acceptable."

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