chapter twentyfour

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       She was late.  So late there was very little reason to put on her workout clothes.  The only reason she'd shown up at all is because she started feeling bad.

       Seeing him still standing there waiting for her didn't help.

       Why couldn't he be like a normal person and wait a few minutes then find something else to do? 

       Now she owed him again.  And her last tootsie pop was not going to cut it.

       He looked irritated and that gave her pause.  She was used to him being stiff but today he was standing so straight and still that he could twin for a board.

       To be honest though, if someone was always standing her up, she'd take out a knee cap.

       Sighing, she offered him the truth.  "I'm embarrassed because of what happened yesterday."

       She sighed again when she realized he wasn't sure what she meant.  "I'm uncomfortable to be around you.  I'm not good at this kind of stuff with a normal boy.  No one asked me if I wanted to be matched with anyone and if given the choice, I would've said hell no.  I don't even believe the idea of it.  Falling for you would be a waste of time anyway.  You can't even return someone's feelings.  It would be like falling for a robot or something.  No way I'm signing up for that.  I don't care what your tests say.  A deal is a deal, so I'll owe you a brain invasion session to make up for today.  Let's just keep everything on the unwarm swirly side of things.  You really need to try harder with Ray of Sunshine.  Who's seeing to her training?"

       When he didn't answer, she frowned.  "Are you going to tell me what you're thinking?

       "You are the most trying person I have ever met."

       "You're welcome.  At least that means you're feeling something."

       They had a staring match.

       When the bell rang, she was relieved.  "I have plans I can't be late for.  See you tomorrow."


       That was about as close as he would ever come to raising his voice. 

       Grumbling, she turned back around.  "Kellum?"

       "I would like to know what is so important that you do not want to be late for?"

       She should have kept on walking.  "Ask your spy."

       "I am asking you.  You have no problem keeping me waiting."

       His voice rose a couple more degrees.

       Damn if that didn't turn her on.  She'd loved to see him hot and bothered.  Steam coming out his ears and his eyes flamed.  "I have a date."


       Jess answered before the computer could.  "It's where a boy and a girl get together so they can get to know each other better.  Usually ends in a kiss.  I've been looking forward to it all day.  If you want, I'll give you all the details about it tomorrow."

       He actually came at her.  Smiling, she stood her ground.

       "You think this is a game?"

       "Sure, I do.  Isn't that what your kind say?  That we play a big guessing game?  Well, this is part of it.  What's wrong, big boy?  You seem a little miffed."

       Fool move, but once again, she took that step that separated them.  "I think you have some feelings all bottled up in there and I'm not even touching you yet."

       Watching him, she laid her hand on his chest.

       Whatever he'd been feeling, intensified.  He took a step back.

       It was a good time to get the hell out of dodge.

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