chapter thirtysix

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"You mean they are allowing you some breathing room? It has been nothing but meetings the last two days."

It was the first time that everyone was eating in his room. He tried to eat with everyone but most days that was impossible. Most days he had to grab something when he could.

Today his friends were waiting for him on the off chance that he showed up. It was a nice gesture that pleased him.

"We were just talking about basketball. I quite enjoyed the game. The human Julian is good. I do not like him, but he is good. Think we could go play some more?"

"He is alright. Family now, it would seem. Godrick, we have not had much time to talk. How is your courting coming along?"

Frick grinned. "Not as well as yours. Or is it the opposite today? It varies from day to day, does it not?"

"Do not mind him, future King. He is just upset that there still is not a human for him. It has been days since more have arrived."

"I am aware, but no one should give up hope. There are more. Our military are bringing twenty-two from the western states. That is more than I had thought for. And there will be more."

"Watching your love life, I am not even sure I want a match anymore. You and Kar. She only has the one match, but I swear the two are like night and day."

"Seventy-six is barely a match."

"Seventy-six is acceptable."

"The human is a wimp."

Frick chuckled. "I have seen him. He is."

"Most unkind thoughts, Frick. Kar."

"Yes, Frey."

"Sorry, Frey."

"Godrick?" Kellum asked once again.

"Both are very pleasant, future King."

"Very good. Alric?"

"She is three years from being eighteen, I am two. We have plenty of time for it to be pleasant. You on the other hand, only have less than four months and then she will be eighteen. If you are mated, then you can take your rightful place on the throne. Then you will not have to answer to the advisors so much. That is my main concern."

"All of us." Frick admitted. "Do you think it is possible that in four months you will be mated?"

Godrick frowned. "He has enough on his plate without you two reminding him of what he already knows."

"We are just tired of them running him through the ringer."

They did not know how bad it was, and he was not at privilege to say.

Jessalynn. She was the answer.

"You have had time to get to know her. Is she still acceptable?"

That he had once thought Jessalynn was acceptable was laughable. That he had once thought she would not make a good queen showed how flawed as a king he was going to be.

She was crude, honest, loyal, caring, slightly lazy, and smarter than she pretended to be. Her mouth could be wince worthy. She was stubborn but also the first one to admit when she was wrong. When she was right about something, she would cram it down your throat. One minute she was like a storm and out of control, next she could be as tender as he had ever seen anyone.

She believed everyone should have an equal playing field. She was a fighter but physically not very strong. She was also the strongest person he had ever met. Him and his advisors could have meetings all day and then she came in and figured it all out in a heartbeat.

She did not believe she was good enough but did not apologize for it.

She was afraid of him, but she did not run and hide from him. Jessalynn was his queen and his people would be blessed to have her. "More than acceptable." Was the only reply he could manage.

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