chapter sixtyone

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Everything had to be timed perfectly. Had to run smoothly. Any mistakes and her whole plan would crash and burn.

Crash and burn sounded about right. Lee hunted her down, pissed that Jess was making moves on Sin.

Apparently, everyone had seen her leave school with him.

Before she could even get a word in, the chick stormed off. Then Julian found her. Now he was back to watching her like he was thinking about having her committed.

Everything couldn't be more of a mess.

Damn cameras. Everything was hard enough without trying to hide it. Finally, she'd ran back up to her room so she could hide in her bathroom.

Sitting on the floor, she tried to work on removing her wrist band. That shit took a lot of concentration. By the time, she felt comfortable doing it she had a headache and had used every cuss word she knew. And she knew a lot of them.

Exhausted, her mind fried, she laid on the floor for a while. Once she left this room, Julian would be back to watching her and since she knew there was no getting rid of him, she decided to use him.

Back in her room, she shed her candora in exchanged for some of her own clothes. She made sure she had all her jewelry on. Her mind moving onto what she would pack to bring with her.

One bag. Hell, she might as well leave with the same shit she'd arrived with.

"Mel and Aunt Sarah will be home soon. Want to get out of here?"

He'd been silently watching her with his arms crossed. "Why can't we stay and have tacos like a family?"

"Told you, I have things to do. You coming or not?"

"I'm coming." For the first time ever, she knew she hurt his feelings.

God, she hated that.

They walked towards The Stage, passing it, and headed for the warehouses. Not the ones Kell's people used to hold all the things they'd taken away from them, but the empty ones... She paused, eyeing the buildings. "You think they have cameras around here?"

"At the front and back entrance. They aren't too worried about vandalism and no one has tried to get into them. No need, if someone wants something, they just searched the unused homes no one is using yet. Anything dangerous has already been destroyed."

She smiled at him. It was a smile he would know very well. They were going to do something they weren't supposed to do. "We better keep moving."

Jess held out her hand and as soon as he took it, she moved them on the other side of the wall in front of them.

Moving two people wasn't as difficult as she thought it would be. They still ended up bringing down a whole bunch of shelves because they landed right on top of them. Shelves full of dolls by the feel of them.

"Fuck, it's dark in here."

"Human Jessalynn, do you need some assistance?"

"If you have a light, sure."

Come to find out he did. From her wrist came a soft light. With hers and Julian's, nearly the whole damn warehouse was bathed in light.

"Anything else you can do?"

"My possibilities are endless."

"Ego much?"

"Not ego. Facts."

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