chapter twelve

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"Look, Big and Bad. I don't know who you think you are, but I don't care how many times you and your little buddy say it. It's not going to happen. I'm not going anywhere without Julian."

"Did we get our information wrong? Dezrick?"

His wrist band answered. "Your information is correct. They are not mated and should live in separate living quarters."

"That's not going to happen. Now, put my things right back upstairs. He stays, I stay."

"We have our orders." The smaller one stated.

"Dezrick, I suggest you get the orders changed. If I've said it once, I've said it hundreds of times. You aren't separating any of us."

The bigger guy stepped away. "Dezrick, get me Kellum." He moved far enough away that she could no longer hear him, so she turned her eyes on the smaller one.

He was far from small. All these aliens made her feel like a shrimp. They also made her feel like she was talking to brick walls.

"Young man, they have assigned me guardian over both of them. I don't see what the problem is with us continuing as we have been."

He crossed his arms. If he was trying to be intimidating, it wasn't working on her and she would not let him try it on her aunt.

"They are not mated."

"Then we'll get mated. There, will that make you happy?"

He paled.

"Aunt Sarah, don't let these jug heads upset you. I'll handle this."

She sighed, looking just as fragile today as she has since the beginning. "Okay, dear. You are better at such things. How about I wait inside with Mel?"

"Thank you, Aunt Sarah."

The eyes that turned back to the alien were hard. "Get a preacher. Let's get this done."

As an afterthought, she looked at Julian to see if he had a problem with the turn of events.

One look and she knew he was prepared to do whatever it took. He also didn't like the alien dude trying to stare her down.

She loved Julian. Loved how protective he was of her but come on, let's be serious. She didn't know if he could take on either of these guys.

The short one was still a couple of inches taller than Julian and was built like a tank.

Julian played sports. Ran in the mornings without someone chasing him. Had abs to die for and nice strong arms.

Maybe he could take on this guy. If she helped, but no way in hell he could take the other one. His arms were like four of Julian's. Big and Bad wasn't an oak tree, but he was damn close, and his muscles outdid them all. He'd be very drool-worthy if she wasn't thinking about ways to hurt him. Short of hitting him with a car, she had no idea.

Jess smiled and tried to diffuse the situation. "Problem fixed. Let's get this moving. I'm having a honeymoon tonight."


"A trip taken by a newly married couple."

"It means, a lot of mating. So come on, let's get this show on the road."

"This human is not a match for you."

"If that's what your little test is saying then they are wrong. Trust me. We're a match."

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