chapter fiftyone

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Jess barely had time to grab the picnic basket before she was standing in Julian's bedroom.

Just the way she'd seen it last. Even sick and her husband too weak to stand on his own, Julian's mom had still refused to leave her house until all the beds were made and the laundry put away.

She let the basket drop as she tried to move towards Julian's bookcase.

Kellum refused to let her hand go.

"We're safe here, Kell."

"You cannot know that. Things are different now."

"More for you, than for me. This is my world. Let go of my hand, Kellum."

Reluctantly, he did.

She knew on the back of his closet door was Julian's old backpack. He was so going to be pissed when he found out she'd done this without bringing him.

Luckily, she knew him well enough to know what he would grab if he had a chance. His hi tops, his lucky socks. Just for laughs she threw a few of his porn magazines in there. A letter that was laying on his desk just because it was there. Seeing his old jersey, she grabbed that then headed for the door.

When Kellum would have stopped her, she dragged him with her.

Julian's room had enough light because he never kept his curtains closed but the hallway was dark and so was the room across the hall.

She didn't need light to guide her way through the room and grabbed the picture off the bedside table. His parents wedding picture seemed like something important to grab.

That did remind her of something though. Don't ask her why. She went back into Julian's room and got on her knees, she reached under his bed and pulled out a shoe box.

Mrs. Cross was a lot like Kellum's people when it came to eating, so her and Julian always kept a stash close by. Judging by the weight of it he had replenished it before all the shit hit the fan.

Downstairs she grabbed the picture of his grandparents. Before they died a few years ago, Julian had always spent a few weeks of the summer with them.

When she was smaller, she hated them for taking him away from her. Then she got old enough to follow after him.

The only other thing she could think to grab was the book his father had been reading when he got sick. She couldn't tell you how many times she'd come over to find him sitting in the chair by the window reading. As stern and as unapproachable as he'd been, he'd had a fondness for romance novels. Go figure.

"You wouldn't believe how much time I spent here. Especially, when we were younger. This place had the best hiding places."

When Kell saw her intent was to head for the front door, he stopped her, and no amount of pulling was getting him moving.

"Dezrick, do a scan of the immediate area."

"That will take some time. Their satellites are prehistoric. The advisors_____."

"You will not deliver any messages from the advisors or anyone else for that matter. Except for Jessalynn's family. You will do only what you are asked to do, and you will speak only when spoken to."

"Yes, future king."

"They cannot override my orders without a meeting, and I am unavailable for one at the present."

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