chapter twentynine

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       She was in a shit poor mood and not hiding it very well.  Okay, she wasn't trying to hide it.

       Everyone was feeling the bite of her tongue.  Even Julian, which let you know how bad of a mood she was in.

       The weekend had been rough.  Aunt Sarah had completely fallen apart, and Jess had spent the whole weekend trying to put her back together again. 

       She tried so hard to do what her mom would have wanted her to do.  What her mom would do if she was here, but she wasn't her mom.

       She just wasn't.

       The only reason she was here at school was because the mayor had arrived after the committee meeting and offered to sit with her aunt.

       Her fingers were crossed but she didn't hold out any real hope that she could help.

       Yeah, all that was plenty reason to be in a bad mood but that wasn't all of it.

       She had to face Kellum.  If he even showed up.  She knew she wouldn't if she was in his place.

       And she wasn't admitting to feeling guilty.  They were not dating.  They weren't even getting along.

       What in the hell had he been doing there?

       Maybe he hadn't been.  She'd been preoccupied.  Having some fun.  Unwinding after her hellish weekend.  Hot male.  No harm no foul.  She didn't owe Kell anything.

       The warms swirls could have been Johnny.  He'd been standing close enough.  She had loved the rubble on his chin.  Flirting had turned into some serious flirting.

       Except warm swirls were "his" calling card.  And the shiver down her back.

       Last night, she hadn't wanted to open her eyes to find out.  Awkward times a thousand.  Only problem, now she didn't know if he'd show up today.  Didn't know how to act around him.

       Maybe he hadn't been there at all.

       This was all Julian's fault.  He was the one that suggested she took some time to herself while her aunt was finally resting.

       He had known what a dangerous mood she was in.

       There was no way he could have known Johnny would be at the studio alone.  Looking good.  Not asking a lot of questions but trying to cheer her up.  He had told her to play it out.  Leave it all on the stage.  She had but hadn't felt better.

       Now there was just another thing to worry about.

       Maybe.  Or maybe he was on his way to see Hayden and had completely forgotten about her.

       "Jess!  Glad I caught you.  Come on, there's someone I want you to meet."

       "Lee, I can't.  I already missed my last class.  I can't miss this one.  Or even be late."

       "You have time.  It'll be quick, I promise."

       Sighing, she changed directions.  "This so better be important."

       The red head took her out the side door where the bus ramp was.  No buses but some of the kids hung out here between classes because there were no cameras.

       The cool kids.  Or at least they thought they were cool.  At her old school, they'd be sneaking cigs.  Bobby Newman even had a flask he somehow never got caught with.

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