chapter twentythree

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She was in a bad mood and everyone was having to deal with it but the one she was upset with.

The only thing that might cheer her up was her almost, not really a date with Brady Shaw.

You'd think that would work. It didn't.

At the meeting, she fussed with everyone just because she could. Everyone received snarls and attitude but the minute she caught space invader looking her way she was all smiles. At one point, she even gave him a cheery little wave.

The alien tool.

She was going to choke him with kindness if it killed her.

Then grandfather time announced that they were going to open the storages. First the children then the adults would be able to gather some things that will make this feel more like home to them.

As long as none of these things were deemed dangerous, including anything fried or containing caffeine.

Cookie was so excited she swoon in her seat and the teacher had to leap to keep her from falling over.

Great. Now, she couldn't look at him again. This space boy was tying her in knots.

She ran for it the minute the meeting adjourned.

Hayley was in the hallway looking lost.

"If you're looking for Macie, you've already missed her. Her teacher assistant has already taken her back to class."

"Nah, I'm here to see my new life advisor. Apparently, someone is unhappy with my tardiness and my unparticipating."

Jess grinned. "It's nice not being the biggest ass around anymore."

The other girl grinned back. "I aim to please. Want to get into trouble with me? I figured I would explore this thing. See if there's any chains in the walls or see if they are growing any flesh-eating plants around here."

She shrugged.

"They won't care about us checking the place out unless they have something to hide."

True. "Fine. I have a couple of classes I wouldn't mind skipping but we better clear out of this hallway, there's going to be more right behind me."

They weren't very good spies. Most of the time they couldn't even find the doors in a room. Unless Dez wanted them to. They were at a docking bay before they realized it.

"You still think they have alternative motives?"

"Don't you?"

Did she?

"Do you know that Savion has been coming at night after Mel falls asleep to make sure she has a good night's sleep? He even visits Aunt Sarah. Alric actually went outside the boarders to fetch April's horse. She's on cloud nine. Her career is even ranching, so they at least got one right. Well, two right. I think working with all those kids is helping Aunt Sarah. When she comes home, she's too exhausted to have a meltdown."

"It's not so bad but you're not making me believe that they're not here to take over the world. These things are more predator than ET.

Jess chuckled. "I see them more as being a bunch of Morks from the planet Ork. Never mind." She said after seeing Hayley's confusion.

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