chapter thirtyseven

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An hour a day. That is how much mates are required to spend with each other until they are eighteen.

He was not even mated yet and that did not seem near enough time. Not counting committee, he spent three hours a day with Jessalynn and even that was not enough for him.

She has been quiet and too agreeable today. He was beginning to know her well. She was not a quiet and agreeable person.

During their session with Frey and Pensley she had sat quiet, seemingly unconcern with the flashes on the screen.

That was highly unlike her.

Normally some of the things being shown would have sent her fleeing as fast as two legs could carry her.

It had been all him today. All his emotions. Thoughts.

He kept seeing her laying in the wildflowers. Her hair spread out around her. A soft playful smile upon her face.

He had quite forgot himself at the sight. Never would he be able to get that image of her from his head. He will be old, his life almost gone from this world and that image will still be with him.

At training, she worked hard, did all that he asked of her.

That was not like her either.

So, every time he had gotten a free moment, he had gone to check on her. Unlike what Frick said, he did not consider this sad.

She was his now.

Seeing where he was standing, his hands tighten into fist. Thankfully, it was not dark, and she was not in a corner with a boy.

She was standing around a table with a bunch of boys.

Julian saw him and waved him over. "Dude, some advice. Don't mess with her when she's so wind up. Let her take it out on those poor fools."

"What is she doing?"

"Playing pool. At home, everyone knew better than to play her. She's racking up the candy bars."

Kellum looked over the room. A couple of guys sat on a stage playing some type of instruments. Laney and Meg sat nearby watching the boys. One guy sat reading something.

"I really hope you're not here to break this place up. That would be like romance suicide."

"Not at all. We have not found much value for music making but we see no harm in it."

"Good to know."

"Why does she wind up and what is wind up?"

Julian grinned. "She's stressed. About you. She doesn't know what to do with you. It's kind of fun to watch her falling for you. Jess isn't the type to fall for a pair of pretty eyes."

"I am not use to it myself. Any advice?"

"If they ever ask you how they look, never think about it, never act like it's not important. It's always important to them. Don't leave them waiting. With Jess, never take any of her fries. Don't ever break her trust. She only gives it once. Lose it and you never get it back."

"I would never lie to her. Or hurt her."

"Good. That's the main one. Know why she loves me so much?"

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