chapter nineteen

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He was waiting for her. That was not unusual. Every day he waited, somedays she showed up, others she did not. She had said that there was no way in hell she was going to school seven days a week. Were aliens crazy or something?

Less than half the humans were showing up on Saturday and Sunday. The first weekend she didn't show up, he handled it the same way he always did. Calm. Detached. The second weekend she did not show up he would say he had been almost upset.

Today was Monday again and not only had she missed the weekend, but she had slept in this morning. She was also not dressed for any kind of workout or training.

On this, she had been completely honest. She was not getting any better. She had even tried at first. A fighter she was not.

He was not giving up. He just decided today he would work on a different issue.

Jessalynn had yet to say anything. She sat close to the wall; her legs crossed. She was tired. Her sister and aunt still had trouble sleeping. Dezrick kept him updated often.

"I have a deal for you.


She yawned before looking at him. "Does it involve me not doing anything for the next two hours?"

"You may do whatever you want today."

Her eyes narrowed. "What is it going to cost me?"

"Nothing. That is not part of the deal."

"Okay. Hit me with it."

Seeing his look, she rolled her eyes at him. He was becoming use to that and the way she filled him in before Dezrick could.

"Tell me what you have on your mind."

"I would like you to wear your candora tomorrow and in return I will offer you something."

"Just for tomorrow?"


"Okay, but in return, I want tit for tat. You wear jeans and a t shirt."

That was fair. Not what he had been prepared for but fair. "As you like."

Normally, he would have continued to stand, his hands behind his back while he watched her. Today he tried a new approach and sat down next to her.

"What are you up to?" She asked, noticing he was behaving differently.

He decided to be more forthcoming than he usually was. "I am tired as well. All the work I do all day long I am now having to do after the classes I spend with you. Or at least waiting for you to show up for the classes I am supposed to spend with you. There are my own classes and more meetings than I care for. You have two hours of training and workout, I have four."

For once, she had no comment. Her eyes were on his and he wondered if she had the same difficulty looking away as he had.

"The other day at lunch it was pleasant sitting next to you. Sometimes your arm would brush mine. I do not understand the appeal of this, but I did like it. Is this unusual?"

Her eyes narrowed but instead of answering, she sighed.

He held out his hand and a can of cola appeared in his palm. "This was to be your bribery. Would you still like it?"

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