Part 42

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Arthur came out carrying Vladimir and coaxed Fiona out. Gingerly the drone exited the cellar. Picking up a stun grenade from a fallen guard Arthur threw it over to Sid, “Catch.”

Sid caught it, “Tanks,” he opened his helmet, pulled the pin with his teeth, tossed it into the hatch then sat on the hatch hole. A stun blast later and the tank was decommissioned. “Stunning performance,” he said as he gave a bow to an imaginary audience.

“Come on then Sid,” called Arthur, “stop punning stunning and stop pulling spoons puns. Let us vacate the premises.”

“Let us vacate the premises,” mimicked Sid.

Looking at Fiona Arthur asked, “Is there any way you can carry Vladimir?”

“You can strap him to my bomb rack.”

Arthur looked around for some cord. Finding some coffee machine strapping cords he tied Vladimir to Fiona’s bomb rack. “Righto, chocks away. We shall follow you home to make sure you get back safely. We don’t want any MiG 42’s shooting you down again do we?”

Sid disabled another couple of guards who were brave enough to pop their heads up. “This is like playing bash the mole at the fairground.

Arthur observed Fiona’s take off. “Sid,” he called, “let us follow her back to Rixa base.”

“Where is that again?” asked Sid as he picked Arthur up.

“Hang on, let’s get my bag first from the interrogation room.”

Sid hovered up to the interrogation room. D’ark was there holding an MP-445. “Now I have you Arthur.”

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