Part 44

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“Hello,” said Miss Funnypenny.

“Is that you Funnypenny?” asked Arthur.

“It is, do you want N?”

“Yes please.”

She handed the phone over to N, “What do you think you are doing Ha ha 7?”

“I’m on the phone to you.”

“How did you succeed in rescuing F10N-A?”

“Good job I had Sid with me, he was able to knock out all of the guards to rescue me.”

“I did not give you permission to tell anyone else of the mission, therefore you have broken the Official Secrets Act and will be court marshalled.”

“That’s a little harsh isn’t it? After all you did say I had to use my own resources because I was so clumsy and reckless with my equipment.”

“that is the reason we chose you for the mission.”

“Because I am clumsy and reckless with my equipment?”

“Yes, we wanted you to fail.”

“Aye they did,” interrupted Sid, “they put an exploding sticker on my suit that could have blown my electrics.”

“Really?” asked a shocked Arthur. He then spoke back to N, “You have a lot of explaining to do N.”

“Alright Arthur, I’ll be candid. F10N-A was captured by the Varangians because we wanted them to capture her.” We infected her with a Stax virus so that if she interacted with any of the surveillance devices that the Varangians use then it would infect them. This is how we could have seen them watching us.”

“So it would have been you watching them watching us.”

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