Part 60

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An alarm light was flashing on Biggs’ smartish phone. He looked down at it cursorily in a matter of fact sort of way before it hit him. “Ow,” he complained to the Author, “why did the phone have to hit me?”

“Sorry, it’s first coffee break, I am still waking up. I did mean the realisation of what the alarm was hit you.”

“Well make sure you get the meaning right next time.”

“That’s where half the fun is when people mistake the meaning.”

“It’s no fun getting hit in the head with a smartish phone just for a mistaken meaning. What was I supposed to realise, I have forgotten now?”

“That Arthur needs rescuing.”

“At last, I’ve been waiting half the book. Can we use time travel now?”

“Technically, yes.”

“Why technically?”

“I would rather have you use time travel as an emergency thing.”

“Just to rescue Arthur or par se?”

“Just to rescue Arthur.”

“Good, that means I can time travel to get a bit of shopping from ancient Rome, I have run out of fish sauce.”

“That’s not an emergency?”

“So, you said that Arthur could only be rescued by time travel in an emergency. Anyway if I travel to get my shopping from ancient Rome it might make a good piece of flash fiction to advertise the main story later on.”

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