Part 79

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They fought their way through the basement and relieved X and his men.

Sid popped his visor open and X recognised him, “Thanks Sid, we can deal with the rest here. You need to follow the main party. I think they are going to the records office.”

There was N and Arthur, Funnypenny and Fawh standing outside the records department with four of the records department staff who were also dressed in Kevlar jackets. “I could pretend to be a wall,” suggested Fawh.

“And what good would that do?” asked Arthur.

“It would confuse them, they would walk straight past the records office and go on to acquisitions.”

N interrupted, “Then we’d have to defend acquisitions.”

“But isn’t acquisitions less of a national security problem than the records office?”

“I suppose so,” agreed N, “go and be a wall then.”

“No stone walling,” punned Arthur, who looked around to see if anyone else was going to play. The rest just stood there ‘stony faced’. “That was a good one Author,” he complimented, “looks like I will have to pun along with you.”

“N looked at Arthur, “If you are in touch with the Author can’t you ask him to help us out?”

“I could try a compliment or two.” Arthur thought for a second. “Great book so far Author, I like what you have done with your take on spy stories.”

A metal reinforced door fell between them and Fawh.

“Great, Arthur,” thought N, “now all we need is for the goblins to drop dead.”

“I do not think the Author would do that. That seems a bit cruel.”

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