Part 36

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Arthur looked down the steps, “Do you want to go first, in case there are some guards on the other side of the door?”

“Aye I will,” agreed Sid as he hovered down the steps and booted the door open, crushing a guard and knocking him unconscious.

“Good job I sent you in first,” commented Arthur as he followed Sid down the steps and into the cellar.

“Lights,” announced Sid as he lit up the entire cellar and not just the area the guard had been sitting in. In the middle of the cellar stood the drone. It looked a little like the spaceship from the front of ‘The Sitting Duck’. It was chained to the floor and looked quite sad.

“Did you say it had AI?” asked Sid.

“Yes, it is supposed to have.”

“What’s its name again?”


“Yes,” said a rather dejected voice from within the drone.

“Fiona?” enquired Arthur.

“I have already agreed to your terms, now what do you want you monsters?”

“Well actually,” spouted Arthur, “we have come to rescue you.”

“Oh,” said the drone, “well as you can see I am a bit tied up at the moment.”

“I’ll see to that,” announced Sid as he started to cut through the chains with a grinder attachment that was on his left forearm.

“When did you get the grinder attachment?” Arthur wondered.

“I think the Author just had it materialise, I don’t remember seeing it before.”

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