Chapter - 84

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Selena and Sam almost made their way towards the house.

Charlie look said Jacob.

Charlie spins to where Jacob points--

It's Sam Uley and Selena they found her said Billy.

Charlie bolts to her; he never moved faster in his life.

Charlie carries Bella to the house, Cradling her. Harry and Billy gives them a nod of praise and gratitude but Sam backs away.

Where did you find her ? asked Billy.

Few minutes from her house and she wondered off said Sam walked across the road.

Sel come on said Sam.

Go dear said Harry nodding his head.

Selena just walks towards Sam. He stares at Jacob. Then Jacob slows, feeling eyes on his back -- he turns to see Sam and Selena staring at him. Jacob, uncomfortable quickly looks away.

Selena POV:

Sel are you going home or stay with me said Sam.

I'm going home I said.

If Jake does something come to my home said Sam hugging me.

Yeah, it's kind of hard for me to lie I said.

I know how you feel, let me take you back to your house said Sam.

Thanks I said and we both went to my house.

Bye Sam see you tomorrow I said and made my way to the door.

Hey baby why are this late, is something happened ? asked Connie.

Bella Swan was missing so I offered to help them. Uncle Billy and Harry were also there I said.

You didn't come alone did you asked Kevin.

No Sam came with me near the house and he left I said.

I always tell the truth to my parents except the parts where I change into a wolf.

I'm tired, can I go to sleep I asked them.

Sure, go ahead said Kevin.

Honey your report card came you did better than last time said Connie.

Thanks mom I said and went to my room to sleep.

After sleeping for few minutes I head someone come to my room. Usually if Collin scared he would come to my room to sleep so I gave space and fell asleep.

Thanks sis, I had a bad dream said Collin.

No problem I said closing my eyes trying to get some rest and some times I feel like I don't want this life but I need to embrace it soon or later.

After a couple of hours of sleep. I woke up and went to the kitchen without waking anybody and made some thing to eat.

Hey how did you sleep asked Connie.

Good, got couple of hours I said.

I saw your brother sleeping in your bed did something happen ? asked Connie.

He said he had nightmares so he came to sleep I said.

I'm going mom I promised I would cook for uncle Billy some thing I said.

Okay be careful said Connie.

Sure I said.

Normal POV:

Selena left the house and went to Black's residence that pretty close if you run so she usually run to the house.

She unlocked the door and went to the kitchen to find Billy there.

Hey right on time said Billy.

Pancakes and eggs sounds good ? asked Selena.

Yeah that's enough for us said Billy.

Selena nodded her head and went to cook the food. After few minutes she made the food and kept it and came out of the kitchen.

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