Chapter - 139

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Indecision? asked Jasper in disbelief.

I don't know what that was said Adelyn.

You didn't say that to me said Alice.

I'm sorry I tried to make sense but it never did said Adelyn.

Rosalie came downstairs and sat next to Emmett and but didn't talk to anyone.

Not indecision. Knowledge. Someone who knows you both can't see anything until the decision is made. Someone who is hiding from us playing with the holes in the visions said Edward.

Who would know about that? asked Adelyn.

Aro knows about you Addy as well as you know yourself remember said Edward.

So Alice's power is not known to them that's why you didn't let her go is it Addy? asked Rosalie.

Yes, I didn't want her to be affected said Adelyn. Alice stunned from the information but rushed to Adelyn and yanked her from Jasper and held her tightly.

You always do that to me. Why do you think that I couldn't protect myself? asked Alice.

Carlisle and Bella could see the connection to the situation but Carlisle closed his eyes and took a deep breath to compose himself.

I want you to be protected said Adelyn.

I'm not a child. You can't do much said Alice.

I will always do what's good for you Alice. Always said Adelyn shook her head and moved past Alice to the music room the guilt and pain from the past is eating her. Jasper and Edward winced but stayed in the living room giving space.

That doesn't make any sense said Alice.

It will someday. What ever she's doing to you will make sense someday Alice. you have to put up with that till the end said Carlisle.

The music started to fill the room from Jasper's song. Everyone stopped talking even Bella. Taking the music. Jasper was conflicted to stay there and not go to the room with Adelyn.

After few minutes everyone started to calm down enough to talk.

We would see if they'd decided to come said Alice still mesmerized from the song.

Unless they didn't want their hands dirty said Edward.

A favor maybe. Someone in the south who had trouble with the rules. Given a second chance if they take care of this small problem....... that would explain the Volturi's sluggish response said Rosalie.

They're too committed to their mission. They would never break the rules themselves. It goes against everything they've worked for said Carlisle.

They'll clean up afterwards. A double betrayal. No harm done said Edward.

No Carlisle's right. The Volturi d not break the rules. Besides it's much too sloppy. This person, this threat - they have no idea what they're doing. A first timer I'd swear to it. I cannot believe the Volturi are involved. But they will be said Jasper.

We need help said Edward.

Do you think Tanya's family would be willing. Another five mature Vampires would make an enormous difference. It would be almost easy with their aid said Jasper.

We'll ask said Carlisle.

Jasper held the phone said we need to hurry now.

Esme left the living room to find Adelyn when she reached the music room she could see Adelyn crying as she stared at the music sheet.

Why sweetheart? what's going on? asked Esme hugging her from behind with pain and worry.

Nobody understands my pain Esme. Why us ? asked Adelyn.

I don't know but you also wanted Edward to have his soul mate said Esme.

At what cost? I'm scared more about us and Bella said Adelyn.

Everything will workout fine. Jasper need you downstairs. He cannot concentrate on anything when you're hurting said Esme.

I'm becoming more selfish with my desires is it? asked Adelyn.

No, absolutely not you're not selfish. I'm sure you have the reason. It will be alright come on said Esme leading Adelyn downstairs.

With a swift of motion Jasper moves towards Adelyn hugging her and kissing her. Adelyn lead Jasper to sit next to Emmett and Rosalie. Jasper let her sit on his lap.

Carlisle's voice was low and quick, difficult to hear. They heard him greet Tanya, and then he raced through the situation too fast for Bella to understand much, though Bella could tell that the Alaskan vampires were not ignorant of what was going on in Seattle. Then something changed in Carlisle's voice.

Oh. We didn't realize . . . that Irina felt that way said Carlisle.

Damn it. Laurent needs to be in the deepest pit of hell where he belongs said Edward.

Laurent? whispered Bella but no one answered her question.

Carlisle said in a stern voice there's no question of that. We have a truce. They haven't broken it, and neither will we. I'm sorry to hear that. . . . Of course. We'll just have to do our best alone.

Carlisle shut the phone without waiting for an answer. He continued to stare out into the fog.
What's the problem? Emmett murmured to Jasper and Adelyn.

Irina was more involved with our friend Laurent than we knew. She's holding a grudge against the
wolves for destroying him to save Bella. She wants — said Adelyn.

Go on said Bella.

She wants revenge. To take down the pack. They would trade their help for our permission said Edward.

No! gasped Bella.

Don't worry, Carlisle would never agree to it. Nor would I. Laurent had it coming. I still owe the wolves for that said Edward.

This isn't good, It's too even a fight. We'd have the upper hand in skill, but not numbers. We'd win, but at what price? said Jasper still looking at Adelyn.

Bella was in the verge to scream as she grasped what Jasper meant.

Bella looked around the room at their faces- Jasper, Adelyn, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Carlisle and Edward.

It's time Bella. Charlie wants you home. You have school tomorrow said Adelyn coming out of the vision.

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