Chapter - 104

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Good. Stay here with Lena or Jess. No hikes or anything . We're issuing a warning about those bears or whatever said Charlie.

I just nodded my head.

After Charlie left I tried to navigate my way to the meadow that me and Edward came to for the first time.

I was more afraid of the hole in my chest than I was of bears. With Jacob or Sel I needed Edward more that ever......

I kept searching for the trail, it doesn't look familiar, back tracked and tried another...... I needed to know he existed. There was only place I might find him, or feeling of him.

Selena POV: ( Same Meadow).

We all shifted to our wolf form when we came across the scent from the same vampire that i got few days ago. It hit us like hot knifes on our nose.

We need to catch this vampire fast. We don't have much time said Sam.

Will I be the last one to arrive or the first one ? I asked him.

You will come with us and then hide if you need to we could use your gift said Sam.

Okay I said as we got ready.

We could hear someone talking with that leach.

Is that Bella ? I asked them.

Yes, we don't have much time and we may loose this chance said Sam.

We reached the bushed were we could hear what they are saying.

Edward I love you said Bella barely audible.

The vampire is milliseconds from biting her - then abruptly his expression changes when he sees us near the forest behind Bella and it terrified him.

I don't believe it said Laurent.

Normal POV:

He steps back. Bella is confused as she realizes he's no longer focused on her. She follows his eyes, slowly turning ...... to find an enormous wolf skulking out of them darkness of the woods. it stalks towards them, a low disturbing growl from it's throat, sharp teeth gleaming.

Bella is trapped between the two killers. As Edward whispers in her ear not to move.

The wolf slinks closer to Bella a mere twenty feet from where she stands, then --- out of no where five more soundlessly emerge from the mess, flanking the back wolf. They're the size of small horses, all different hues : white, dark silver, chocolate, ash and russet brown. Their teeth gleaming, lips curling, bodies crouched ready to spring.

Bella is frozen with fear as they come towards her. The russet brown and white wolf looked towards her. Laurent continues to retreat, -- then suddenly he bolts across the meadow. The wolves spring towards Bella --- and leap right over her in pursuit of Laurent. Their thunderous snarls and snaps shakes her as the pack sprint after the vampire, surroundings him before he reaches the tree line --

Laurent swings at dark silver wolf, smacking the wolf to the tree.

Sel go said black wolf.

The white wolf nods and run towards other side of them.

Another wolf lunges at Laurent giving time for Selena to hide.

She has great jaw power that could snap anything in half so they save her for latter when they need finishing touches.

Bella didn't wait to find out who will prevail.

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