Chapter - 140

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The next morning Adelyn and Alice got ready for school. Jasper stayed home.

The morning went smoothly. Adelyn and Alice came to the cafeteria that afternoon and went to find Edward and Bella. When they found them. They sat opposite to Edward and Bella.

Adelyn and Alice talking about the party and the decoration.

You can't be serious. Have both of you lost your mind? Asked Bella.

Say whatever you like about us. The party is still on said Alice.

Bella stared at Alice, eyes so wide with disbelief it felt like they might fall out and land on her lunch tray.

Oh, calm down Bella! There's no reason not to go through with it. Besides the invitations are already sent said Adelyn.

But........ the......... you....... are insane Bella spluttered.

You've already brought our presents. You don't have to do anything but show up said Alice.

Bella felt calm feeling wash over her and said With everything going on right now a party is hardly appropriate.

Graduation is what's going on right now and a party is appropriate it's almost pass'e said Adelyn.

Adelyn said Bella with a stern look.

They both sighed and tried to be serious and together they said There are few things we need to get in order and that's going to take a little time. As long as we're sitting here waiting we might as well commence the good stuff. You're only going to gradate first-time once. You don't get to be human again Bella. This is once – in – a life time shot.

How can you talk simultaneously with any person Addy asked Bella amazed.

I don't know I just do said Adelyn.

What few things do we need get in order? asked Bella.

Edward in low voice said Jasper thinks we could use some help. Tanya's family isn't the only choice we have. Carlisle trying to tract down a few old friends and Jasper is thinking about calling Peter and Charlotte. He's considering talking to Maria..... but no one really wants to involve the southerners.

Adelyn shuddered delicately.

It shouldn't be too hard to convince them to help. Nobody wants a visit from Italy said Alice.

But these friends are not going to be vegetarians right? asked Bella.

No said Edward suddenly expressionless.

Here? In Forks? said Bella.

They're friends. Everything's going to fine. Don't worry. And then Jasper has to teach is a few course on newborn elimination ..... said Alice.

Edward's eyes brightened at that, and a brief smile flashed across his face.

When are you going? asked Bella in low voice.

A week. That ought to give us enough time said Edward.

Bella suddenly felt nauseated.

You kind of look green Bella commented Alice.

It's going to be fine, Bella trust me said Edward.

You're looking for help? asked Bella.

Yes said Alice as she crooked to the side as she process the change in Bella's tone.

I could help said Bella.

That's really wouldn't be helpful said Adelyn.

Why not? Nine is better than eight. There's more than enough time said Bella.

That's not enough time to make you helpful Bella. Do you remember how Jasper described the newborns? You'd be no good in a fight. You wouldn't be able to control your instincts and that would make you a easy target. And then Edward or me could get hurt trying to protect you said Adelyn folded her arms across her chest, pleased with her unassailable logic.

Not because you're afraid said Edward in Bella's ear.

Oh, I hate last- minute cancellation said Alice.

So that our party attendance list down to sixty five said Adelyn crossing the name from the list.

Sixty five ! you said only thirty Alice. I didn't have that many friends said Bella.

Who cancelled? asked Edward ignoring Bella.

Renee said Adelyn.

What? gasped Bella.

She was going to surprise you for your graduation but something went wrong. You'll have a message when you get home said Alice.

Come on Alice I think we should go home said Adelyn.

Sure Addy. Edward tell the teachers will you? asked Alice.

Sure said Edward with bored tone.

They left the cafeteria and went home same speed and time.

Well, that's one sighed Bella.

One what? asked Edward.

One person I don't have to worry about getting killed this week said Bella.

Edward just rolled his eyes.

Why won't you three take this seriously? This is very serious said Bella.

Edward smiled and said Confidence.

Bella locked her arms around Edward and melted against his cold chest as usual he pulled away.

Bella's dace slip into a pout. He laughed at her expression.

I'm not like my sister. I don't think I will ever be and I know you think about that I have some kind of perfect unyielding self control, but that's the case. I cannot believe Addy can walk weeks on end without feeding. She would be irritated but that's it. Everyone in the family would be ravaging around the smell of blood except Carlisle and Adelyn said Edward.

I wish I could do that said Bella. But Edward ignored it.

After school tomorrow, I'm going hunting with Carlisle, Esme and Rosalie. Just for a few hours we'll stay close. Alice, Adelyn, Jasper and Emmett should be able to keep you safe said Edward.

Ugh, I hate being baby sat said Bella.

It's temporary Edward promised.

Jasper will be bored. Emmett will make fun of me said Bella.

They'll be on their best behavior. Addy would make sure of that said Edward.

Are you thirsty already asked Bella but his iris were still a deep gold.

Not really. We want to be as strong as possible. We'll probably hunt again on the way looking for big game said Edward.

That makes you stronger? asked Bella.

Yes, human blood makes us the strongest, through only fractionally. Jasper's been thinking about cheating but he won't suggest it. He knows what Carlisle and Adelyn will say. Addy doesn't say much about that. She tires to control her mind reading on Jasper said Edward.

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