Breaking Dawn Chapter - 162

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'Yes, ma'am,' said Renee and blew Bella kiss and hurried out the door. 

'Charlie, would you grab the flowers, please?' Alice said.

Jasper and Bree came towards the room. Adelyn went and held his hand as Charlie was out of the room. Adelyn waved Jasper to leave for a second. Alice hooks a garter and then ducked under Bella skirt and yanked the garder into place.

She was back on her feet before Charlie returned with the two frothy white bouquets. The scent of roses  and orange blossom and freesia enveloped Bella in a soft mist. Rosalie began playing the piano downstairs. Bella began hyperventilating.

'Easy, Bells,' Charlie said. He turned to Adelyn and Alice nervously. 'She looks a little sick. Do you think she's going to make it?'

'Well, she'd better,' said Adelyn. 'Or else I'll bite her head off.'

Adelyn stood right in front Bella, leaning on her forehead and stared at Bella. Alice gripped Bella's wrists in her hard hands.

'Focus, Bella. My brother is waiting for you down there,' said Adelyn and kissed Bella in the forehead.

Jasper took Adelyn's hand as they went down. Bree followed them and joined Diego.

Alice was standing in front of Bree and Diego with a small bouquet of lavender.

The music slowly morphed into a new song. Charlie nudged Bella. 'Bells, we're up to bat.'

'Bella?' Jasper asked, holding his gaze.

'Yes, sorry,' said Bella.

The music was louder in the hall. It floated up the stairs along with the fragrance of a million flowers. Bella concentrated on the idea of Edward waiting below to get her feet to shuffle forward.

 The music changed, the Wagner's traditional march surrounded by a flood of embellishments.

'It's my turn,' Alice chime. 'Count to five and follow me.' She began a slow, graceful dance down the staircase. Bree and Diego followed her. Adelyn and Jasper took small boxes and walked in front of Bella. 

A sudden fanfare trilled through the soaring music. Bella recognized her cue.

'Don't let me fall, Dad,' Bella whispered. Charlie pulled her hand through his arm and then grasped it tightly.

One step at a time, Bella told herself as they began to descend to the slow tempo of the march. As soon as Bella's feet were past the treacherous stairs, Bella was looking for him. She tore her eyes from the bowery canopy and searched across the rows of satin-draped chairs--blushing more deeply as she took in the crowd.

 Bella was barely conscious that Carlisle stood by Edward's side, and Angela's father behind them. Jasper was on Edward's other side slightly behind Edward. Adelyn was waiting for Bella in the other side with a ring.

The march was too slow as Bella struggled to pace her steps to its rhythm. Mercifully, the aisle was very short. And then, at last, Bella was there. Edward held out his hand. Charlie took Bella's hand and, in a symbol as old as the word, placed it in Edward's. 

Jasper and Adelyn gave the rings to the minister. The rings were exchanged and their vows were the simple, traditional words that had been spoken a million times, though never by a couple quite like them. They asked Mr Weber to make only one small change. He obligingly traded the line "till death do us apart" for the more appropriate "as long as we both shall live." These are the words that Adelyn and Jasper chose for their wedding and Edward wanted to use it for his wedding.

'I do,' Bella managed to choke out in a nearly unintelligible whisper, blinking her eyes clear so she could see his face.

When it was his turn to speak, the words rang clear and victorious.

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