Chapter - 137

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Bella Pov:

Leah Clearwater's and Selena Littlesea's eyes did not open. I thought I saw something sparkling on their cheek like a tear, but when I looked back a moment later it was gone. I could see why they are like even with their names.

Neither Jacob nor I spoke. He was so still beside me, his breath so deep and even, that I thought he might be close to sleep. My mind was a thousand years away. I was not thinking of Yaha Uta or the other wolves, or the beautiful Cold Woman — I could picture her only too easily. No, I was thinking of someone outside the magic altogether. I was trying to imagine the face of the unnamed woman who had saved the entire tribe, the third wife. Just a human woman, with no special gifts or powers. Physically weaker and slower than any of the monsters in the story. But she had been the key, the solution. She'd saved her husband, her young sons,
her tribe.

I wish they'd remembered her name. . . .Something shook my arm.

C'mon, Bells, We're here said Jacob in my ear.

I blinked, confused because the fire seemed to have disappeared. I glared into the unexpected darkness, trying to make sense of my surroundings. It took me a minute to realize that I was no longer on the cliff. Jacob and I were alone. I was still under his arm, but I wasn't on the ground anymore.

Oh, crap! , where's that stupid phone?" I patted my pockets, frantic and coming up empty.
Easy. It's not even midnight yet. And I already called him for you. Look — he's waiting there said Jacob.

Midnight? I repeated stupidly, still disoriented. I stared into the darkness, and my heartbeat picked up when my eyes made out the shape of the Volvo, thirty yards away.

I reached for the door handle. Here,Jacob said, and he put a small shape into my other hand. The phone.

You called Edward for me? I asked my eyes were adjusted enough to see the bright gleam of Jacob's smile.

I figured if I played nice, I'd get more time with you said Jacob.

Thanks, Jake really, thank you. And thanks for inviting me tonight. That was . . . I said.

And you didn't even stay up to watch me swallow a cow said Jacob and he laughed and continued No, I'm glad you liked it. It was . . . nice for me. Having you there.

"Yeah, he's not so patient, is he?" Jacob said, noticing my distraction and continued Go ahead. But come back soon, okay?.

Sure, Jake, I promised, cracking the car door open. Cold air washed across my legs and made me shiver.

Sleep tight, Bells. Don't worry about anything — I'll be watching out for you tonight said Jacob.

I paused, one foot on the ground. No, Jake. Get some rest, I'll be fine.

Sure, sure, said Jacob but he sounded more patronizing than agreeing.

Night, Jake. Thanks I said.

Night, Bella, Jacob whispered and he dropped me off near the boundary line.

Normal Pov:

Edward caught Bella at the boundary line.

Bella," he said, relief strong in his voice; his arms wound tightly around her.

Hi. Sorry I'm so late. I fell asleep and — said Bella.

"I know. Jacob explained." He started toward the car, and she staggered woodenly at his side.

Are you tired? I could carry you said Edward.

I'm fine said Bella.

Let's get you home and in bed. Did you have a nice time? asked Edward.

Yeah — it was amazing, Edward. I wish you could have come. I can't even explain it. Jake's dad told us the old legends and it was like . . . like magic said Bella.

You'll have to tell me and Addy about it. After you've slept said Edward.

I won't get it right, Bella said, and then she yawned hugely.

Edward chuckled. He opened my door for her, lifted me in, and buckled her seat belt around her.

Bright lights flashed on and swept across us. She waved toward Jacob's headlights, but she didn't know if he saw the gesture.

The next morning Bella got ready for school. Edward got dressed and came to pick her up.

The came to the parking lot to see Alice waiting. We have foreseen Alice began in an ominous tone.

Edward threw an elbow towards her ribs, which she neatly dodged.

Fine Edward is making us do this. But we did foresee what you would be more difficult if I surprised you said Alice.

They were walking to the car after school and Bella was clueless as to what she was talking about.

Where's Adelyn and Jasper? asked Bella.

They are taking a break today said Alice.

Oh okay, In English ! tell me what you said earlier Alice, Bella requested.

Don't be a baby about this. It's about the party we need at least thirty so we tried to make this a surprise about the number but Edward said that we had to tell you. But it's nothing. Promise said Alice.

Is there any point in arguing? asked Bella.

None at all said Alice.

Okay, Alice. I'll be there said Bella.

That's the spirit ! by the way ! we love our gift. Me and Addy I mean. You shouldn't have said Alice.

Alice I didn't said Bella.

Oh, I know that. but you will said Alice.

Amazing how can someone so tiny be so annoying? asked Edward.

It's a talent said Alice.

Couldn't you have waited a few weeks to tell me about this? now I'll just be stressed that much longer said Bella.

Alice frowned at her and asked Bella, do you know what day it is?.

Monday? said Bella.

Yes, it's Monday....... the fourth said Alice.

It's the fourth of June? Are you sure? asked Bella.

They came near the parking lot. Bella noticed a flyer on the poster and she picked the paper.

Have you seen this? asked Bella pointed to the paper.

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