Chapter - 38

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You are going home aren't you asked Cynthia.

Yes, I will come back before you wake up said Adelyn as she sat down in the bed.

I will be waiting for you said Cynthia.

Jason ? Are you okay ? asked Adelyn.

Nothing, I'm fine Jason lied.

Lying doesn't help Jason. Come on sit with us said Adelyn patted the seat next to her.

I told you Jason you could never lie to Addy said Cynthia giggling.

Oh I have to go home. I will meet you first in the morning said Adelyn.

Please come said Jason.

Don't worry Jason Addy will come and meet us said Cynthia hugging him.

Adelyn nodded her head then she left the room and went towards the reception area.

They both exited the hospital. The hospital is just few minutes from their house so they could come to the hospital anytime.

Esme was waiting near the door with Edward.

Are you going somewhere ? asked Adelyn.

I want to experience, What's it like to feed on humans said Edward not meeting her eyes.

If that's what you want Edward. You know that we would support you in every way said Carlisle.worried.

Adelyn ? asked Esme.

No I will not leave you Esme said Adelyn as she went to her room and slammed the door.

Edward left that day. Adelyn still in her room wishing that he would come back soon. Carlisle and Esme understood the pain and didn't question her when she won't even talk to them. She blocked her mind reading power and never used it. It cause pain for her when ever she used it. It reminded her of Edward so she didn't use the power anymore.

Carlisle and Adelyn got ready to the hospital early to begin their work.

Carlisle when are we going to tell them the news asked Adelyn.

We will see if we could do anything to make it better, if they show improvement there is no need to tell them said Carlisle.

I'm ready said Adelyn came downstairs.

Esme we will see you soon said Carlisle kissing her in the lips.

Bye Esme said Adelyn.

See you later said Esme with a half smile.

They reached the hospital earlier that the others.

Dr. and Miss Cullen do you need anything asked Serena the head nurse.

We need to finish checking the new patients said Carlisle.

I will contact them right away said Serena.

No Serena, why don't you help my father. I will tell them. Can you tell Judy to come early said Adelyn.

Of course Miss Cullen said Serena.

Come back to my cabin and finish up the report Addy said Carlisle.

We need to talk with the hospital head some times this week, two doctor going on leave so we have to work twice as normal said Adelyn.

Can you manage ? asked Carlisle.

Yes Carlisle said Adelyn.

Why don't we finish up tomorrow's work today and we will be in time for the meeting said Carlisle.

Miss. Cullen, The exam room is ready said Judy.

Thanks Judy, Can you wait there, I will bring them said Adelyn.

Adelyn and Judy left the room and made their way towards the room.

Adelyn opened the door and went inside and sat near the bed watching them sleeping.

Cynthia wake up few minutes and saw Adelyn sitting there.

Hai Addy good morning said Cynthia.

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