Aaron Dingle

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" babe can you give me a hand with these last few box's please." Your boyfriend of 2 years Aaron asked you.
" yea of course." You got up from couch and walked over to Aaron to take the box out of his hands.
" I can't believe we finally got a place together." Aaron said while putting his arms around your waste.
" I know. Don't get me wrong your family are really nice but we need some us time every so often." You kissed Aaron in the lips.
" before we get the rest of the box's in I want to ask you something. Before I met you I was tearing myself to shreds I was doing what ever I could to stop the pain. But when I met you you showed me what love really felt like. So what I'm asking is will you Blair Rose Barton make me the happiest man alive by marrying me." Aaron got on one knee and opened a small brown box to revile a beautiful silver ring.
" Yes yes yes. Of course I will." You pulled Aaron up into a passionate kiss.

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