Debbie Dingle PT2

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" I told you I don't want anything huge." You reminded your cousin Debbie.
" It's your hen do Angle. You are having an amazing night tonight because tomorrow you are getting married to David. So I am giving you the best day of your life today. Now get that dress on and get your butt down to the pub. Chas and everyone else is waiting for you. Aaron Robert and the others have taken David into town for his do and Dian has the kids." Debbie Practically forced you into your dress and pushed you out the door.
" I really don't need all this fuss." You reminded Debbie for the millionth time.
" How many times to I have to tell you. I don't care. We're here now so there's no going back now." Debbie pushed you into the pub where you were greeted all of your family including Jennie and Katie.
" We are all chuffed for you babe." Charity said while pulling you into a tight hug.
" Thanks Charity. You know Debbie had to drag me here." You laughed at the thought of Debbie making you come here.
" I told you I wasn't taking no for an answer." Debbie said while handing you a glass of champagne.
" Hey I know I shouldn't be here but I just wanted to say I'm so proud of you." Your farther Carl popped in out of the blue.
"Thanks dad. And know you shouldn't be here but I guess we can make an exception for just you." You pulled your father into a hug and then started dancing with Debbie who seemed to be having more fun then you where.
" I thought you weren't coming." Debbie said to Carl who was having a drink.
" I wouldn't let my daughter down. I'm supposed to be giving her away tomorrow." Carl explained.
" Well don't make a fool out of her. The last time she tried to marry someone you told her not to. So I'm warning you. You make a fool out of my cousin again and I will not even hesitate to kill you. " Debbie threatened Carl before coming back to you to dance.

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