Ross Barton

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Pete- You think I honestly want to be with you after I find out you've been fooling around with my brother Ross. Your nothing but a slag. Can't believe you got yourself pregnant. Stupid cow.

You read the text from Pete over and over again every time making sure to read every line correctly.
" Wow I didn't realise my brother could be that harsh." Ross looked over your shoulder and read the text.
" I can't blame him. He's right I am a slag." You put your head in your hands.
" Ellie don't ever think like that. You are a beautiful woman. Pete has to be blind not to see that. Any guy would be over the moon to be with you." Ross put his hand on your leg.
" your just saying that." You said secretly enjoying Ross's company.
" I'm saying it because it's true." Ross leaned in close enough for you to feel his cold breath on your face.
" you know I feel much safer when I'm around you then I did when I was with Pete." You admitted.
" I bet you wish you had chosen to be with me instead." Ross kissed you on the lips once.
" you could say that." You kissed Ross again but this time not stopping.
He pushed you down onto the couch and you pulled his shirt off while he kissed you neck.
You would have kept on kissing if Pete hadn't walk in on you both.
" So just 5 minutes after I ended things with you. You o and jump back into bed with my brother. You really are a slag." Pete ripped into you like a knife. It wasn't hard for him to hurt you.
" I'd watch what you say if I where you." Ross said while putting his shirt back on.
" why should I? She just some dirty old slapper." Peres harsh words stayed with you.
" that's it." Ross punch Pete hard enough to knock him flying to the floor.
Ross dragged Pete outside the house and started Attacking him.
" ROSS STOP." You screamed while trying to get Ross off of Pete.
You finally managed to get Ross off of Pete but Pete went to hit Ross one more time but instead of punch Ross he punched you, knocking you off you feet almost falling over but you where caught by Ross.

" I'm so sorry." Ross apologised for the hundredth time.
"For what?" You asked while putting frozen peas on Ross's swollen eye.
" For losing it like that. I just couldn't stand back and let him say those cruel things about you." Ross paused and kissed you again. This time no one interrupted you.

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