David Metcalfe

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You stared at the pregnancy test saying positive in your hand.
" no I can't be." You whispered to yourself. The only person you have slept with since you got back to the village was David and that definitely was a mistake.
Your big brother Aaron came into the room so you had to hind the pregnancy test quickly up your sleeve.
He would hate you if he found out that his 16 year old sister had slept with a 25 year old man and gotten pregnant.
You walked out the room quickly and texted David.
To David
I need to talk to you it's urgent. I'm coming over to the Shop so make a good excuse.
From Hannah.

You ran as fast as you could over to the shop to tell David.
" what was so urgent that you needed to tell me now?" David asked you.
" I thought you should know." You began. " I'm...I'm pregnant.............. an.......and it's yours." You showed him the pregnancy test.
" GET OUT." He yelled.
" what?" You asked sounding shocked.
" you heard me Get out. Don't go telling anyone because your getting an abortion." David pushed you out of the shop. Leaving you crying outside the shop.
"Hannah are you ok? What's happened?" Your brothers boyfriend Robert saw the pregnancy test in your hand and pulled you into a hug before taking you back to the woolpack.

Lucky enough Aaron had gone to work and your mum Chas was at parents evening with Liv.
" I know you probably don't want to talk about it. But I have to ask who's the Dad?" Robert asked you trying hard not to upset you.
" David." You said quickly.
" Hannah what did he say. When you told him?" Robert asked.
" he told me not to tell anyone and that he's taking me to get an abortion tomorrow." Tears started to stream down your face.
Robert didn't say anything else he just pulled you into a hug and held you for as long as you needed.

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