Aaron Dingle

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You sat at a table in the BMB with your brother Aaron and his boyfriend Robert for tea. You'd only agreed to go over to the BMB because it got you out of the house. And plus you liked Robert because he made your brother happy.
You constantly looked at your phone every time it buzzed.
You had been getting cruel homophobic messages from someone at school. You didn't know who was sending the messages but you did know it had to be someone from school.
" Are you ok Daisy." Your brother asked you.
" oh err yea I'm fine." You lied you didn't want to worry Aaron since he had enough on his plate.
Your phone buzzed so you looked and it was another message. It read.
To Daisy
I can see your ugly mug, your with that gay boy brother of yours and his disgusting boyfriend. No wonder your so ugly. Just end it all and drink bleach.
From Unknown.
You looked over to see Gabby and Jacob laughing in your direction.
You tried to keep your mind off of the message but it kept on coming back into your mind.
A few tears mange to sneak their way down your face.
Aaron didn't notice but Robert noticed you wiping the tears away.
" Daisy what's happened?" Robert asked you while tapping Aaron to get his attention.
You got up from your chair and went to run out but you where stopped by Gabby yelling " Do is all a favour and Drink bleach."
Jacob was laughing along with her but they soon stopped once Aaron and Robert heard what they where saying to you.
" Do you really think that's funny. Making someone feel so down about themselves that they can't even tell anyone. Me and Aaron have seen the massages you've been sending her." Robert said a Angrily.
" you know it makes me sick that you've been telling my sister to go and kill herself. She is not better off dead. So I suggest you sort yourselves out before your parents find out about this." Aaron said while putting a protective arm around you.
" tell me if they are still bothering you." Aaron told you not moving his arm.
"I promise I will. Thanks Robert." You smiled at Robert to say thankyou.
" no problem. Your Aaron's family so that makes you my family as well."
Robert smiled back at you before changing the conversation.

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