Aaron Dingle

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You sat in your bedroom in your brothers house with your head on your legs. Tears streamed down your face like normal when you where alone. Your brother Aaron and his boyfriend where out for dinner and your mother, who was supposed to be looking after you while Aaron and Robert where out, had gone to the pub again because Charity had to go out.
Everything was going wrong in your life. Your brother Aaron had been raped by your own dad, your dad killed himself, Your sister Liv won't talk to you for some reason and school wasn't exactly the best.
You kept on crying in your room until your brother Aaron and Robert walked into your room to find you sobbing into your arms.
" Holly what's wrong?" Aaron asked you while sitting down on the bed next to you.
" I'll let you two talk." Robert said before walking out of your room and closing the door behind him.
" It's just everything." You could barely get the words out since you where still trying to stop yourself from crying.
" Holly why didn't you tell me that you where feeling like this?" Aaron asked you while pulling you in and holding you.
" I didn't want you to worry about me. And you where so happy with Robert I didn't want to spoil that." You explained to your very worried brother.
" I'm your older brother Holly. I'm supposed to worry about you. And as for you spoiling what I have with Robert you could never do that. Robert understands that if he wants to be with me you always come first." Aaron held you for as long as you needed.

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