Aaron Dingle

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You sat with your Brother Aaron and your brother in law (Aaron's husband) Robert around the table.
" happy birthday Katie." Your brother Aaron said to you while handing you a small CD like shaped gift and A card with Katie written on it.
" it from both Aaron and me." Robert added.
" Thanks both of you." You where thankful that at least your brother and Robert where wishing you a happy birthday.
" wow 17 already." Your mother Chas walked in with your uncle Cain, auntie Charity and your cousin Debbie.
"Happy birthday love." Both Cain and Charity gave you big hugs before handing you two small presents and a card.
" I think Sarah has something she wants to give you." Debbie added.
" I know it's not much. But I used to be in your shoes. I had cancer and I thought it. I know you will too. So I donated £100 to the cancer trust charity." Sarah said to you with a smile.
" that's the best gift I've gotten today thank you so much Sarah. It's much better then money or toys." You gave Sarah a big hug.
" that's very thoughtful Sarah." Chas hugged both you and Sarah.
" me and Robert thought we would treat you to lunch so get ready and we will get going."Aaron told you.
You did as your brother told you and got ready for lunch at the Cafe.

When you Robert and Aaron got to the Cafe you where greater by Bob.
" a little birdy Ie Aaron told me it's your birthday. So how about this lunch is on the house." Bob at you.
" thanks bob." You smiled back.
" so are you having a good birthday little sister?" Aaron asked you.
" yea of course I am I'm spending it with you." You hugged Aaron and then hugged Robert.

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