Robert sugden

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" I'll make sure she's ok you go and check on Liv." Robert sat next to you on the couch and you put your head on his shoulder. Robert was always there for you when something happens. Liv hurt you so much with her words and pushing you across the floor but somehow Robert managed to make it all seem a little bit better.
" whatever Liv has said to you in the last and now, is definitely not true. It's not your fault. What happened to Aaron you weren't to know." Robert put a secure arm around you and pulled you in and held you for as long as you needed.
" some of it is." You replied to him.
" No it's not. I know you took Gordon's side when things got tough. But you didn't know what to do. I think anyone in your situation would of done the same as you did. You acted quickly and yes it may have been the wrong think to do. But no one not even Liv or Aaron would ever blame you. I definitely don't. You know I'm always here for you if no one else is and Aaron's only one call away." Robert explained to you that none of this was your fault and for the first time in forever you felt like a Wait had been lifted off of your shoulders.
" I can't stay here not with Liv." You told Robert while crying into his arm which didn't seem to bother Robert.
" I know. So that's why I've talked it through with Aaron and we've agreed that you can come and stay with us at the mill for a bit until Liv calms down." Robert explained while letting you cry as much as you needed.

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