Debbie Dingle PT3

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" Keep still Angle unless you want a curling iron stick in your head for your wedding day." Debbie almost yelled at you in a jokingly way.
" well don't pull so hard on my hair then and I wouldn't flinch." You said while staying as still as you could.
" It's just me." Your mother Chas walked into the room with your dress in a Black bag so no one could see it.
" Charity is bringing the bridesmaids dresses from the dry cleaners." Chas put your dress on the top of the couch before helping Debbie finish putting your hair into a lovely Dutch Braid bun.
" your dads with Alfie and Ella helping them get ready and then He'll bring them over." Chas said finishing off the last curl and letting Debbie do the finishing touches.
" At least we did you makeup first that's one less thing to worry about doing." Debbie finished putting in your something blue and let you stand up.
" I'm here and I bring gifts. Well not gifts I bring your bridesmaids dresses." Charity handed Debbie, Holly and Moira Their dresses.
" I do bring one gift for the beautiful Bride. You look amazing." Charity handed you a Rose Gold bracelet with your Name Angle on it.
" thanks Charity. This really means a lot to me." You explained to Charity before getting your dress and going to put it on followed shortly by Debbie and Holly.
You came downstairs a few moments later to find your two children Alfie and Ella with your dad.
" Wow you look beautiful." Carl said while taking your hand.
" That's all my work." Debbie laughed while helping adjust your vale.
" Haha you wish." You playfully punched Debbie on the arm.

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