Robert Sugden

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" YOUR PATHETIC!" You yelled at your husband Robert.
" NOW LOOK WHOS TALKING." Robert yelled back at you.
" SOMETIMES I REALLY WONDER WHAT I EVEN SAW IN YOU." You push Robert away and go to run out door but you where pushed back in by two people with masks on.
" get in here." One of them said.
" Molly stay close to me." Robert pulled you into him and you didn't struggle.
"Search this place. Search every little part of it." The other one yelled. They both sounded like men.
" Ellie's still sleeping upstairs." You whisper to Robert making sure they didn't hear you.
" stay here I'll go and get her." Robert went to walk away but you pulled him back.
" no don't leave me alone with these people." You whispered trying hard not to sound scared but you failed.
" I won't don't worry. I'll keep you safe. I won't let them hurt you." Robert pulled you back into him to Make you feel safer.
One of the two men came back into the room that You and Robert were in. This time he had lots of their valuables.
The other man came back into the room." Look who I found." He was dragging your daughter Ellie by her coat into the room.
" NO." You went to run towards Ellie but Robert kept you from moving.
" Don't hurt her please. Take whatever you want but please don't hurt out daughter." Robert said while holding you tightly. You could hear in his voice that he was scared that they would hurt Ellie.
" I don't know. She means something to you. So why should we hurt her.." he was about to finish his sentence when Robert punched him in the stomach and grabbed Ellie and gave her to you.
Robert grabbed your hand.
" RUN." Robert pulled you both out locking the door once he had gotten out.
" is she ok?" Robert asked while checking if you where ok.
" yea she's fine. Just a little bit shook up." You held Ellie close.
" I'm sorry." Robert began.
" what for." You asked while still holding Ellie close.
" for being a complete idiot. I should never of put myself first. From now on I'm putting you and Ellie first. I love you Molly. I love our little family and I would never change what we have." Robert kissed you on the head and then checked how Ellie was.
" I love you too Robert. Yea you are a idiot. But your my idiot and I love you the way you are. I knew that when I married you it wouldn't be easy." You say close to Robert with Ellie in your arms.
Maybe this will teach you and Robert a thing or two.

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