Rebecca white

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" Hey." You said to your girlfriend of 1 year Rebecca white.
" hey didn't think you'd be home till late." Rebecca replied and gave you a peck on the cheek before sitting next to you on the couch.
" is it a crime for me to want to spend the day with my fiancé?" You said while putting your head on Rebecca's shoulder.
" no it's not a crime. But I would of thought you would be getting your bridesmaids ready for the big day. Which may I remind you is this Friday." Rebecca smiled at you before turning the TV on.
" don't worry Babe I've got everything under control on my end. Have you?" You asked.
"Of course I have." Rebecca kissed you again this time more passionately.
" I guess I walked in at the wrong moment." Lawrence said while walking in with Ronnie.
" Hey Poppy." Lawrence smiled at you politely.
" Hi Lawerence How are you?" You smiled back politely.
" Yea in fine thanks for asking. I hope you two are ready for the big day on Friday." Lawrence wondered.
" of course we are dad and we might as well say tomorrow since Friday is tomorrow." Rebecca said correcting her dad.

The big day
" Ow" you yelled. One of your bridesmaids Katie was pulling you hair tightly while she was doing you hair.
" if you don't want me to hurt you stay still." Katie replied while putting the last hair pin in your hair. When she had finished your hair looked beautiful. It was all spun into a cartwheel bun with glittery hair pins.
" wow your hair looks beautiful Poppy, you did an amazing job Katie" said your best friend since High-school Holly.
" thanks." You replied.
" right now all that's left to do is your makeup and then you can put your dress on." Carly got out your makeup and started putting your foundation on you making sure not to mess it up.
Once Carly had finished doing your makeup you looked like a princess.
" now get yourself up those stairs and into your beautiful dress." Katie almost pushed you upstairs.

Back at home farm

" you look beautiful." Lawrence said to his daughter Rebecca. She was in her white wedding dress which was long with white flowers at the bottom. Her hair was down with braids joining together at each side of her hair. Her makeup was beautiful she had a light pink lip and brownish eyeshadow with black eyeliner.
" thanks Dad." Rebecca said while smiling.
" it's time to go" Chrissy replied while helping Rebecca out of the house without falling in her white high heels.

Back at the woolpack pub
"Is she ready." Your brother Aaron asked.
" yes you can come in now." Your mum Chas replied while helping you put you vail on.
" you look amazing Poppy." Aaron gave you a hug trying very hard not to smudge you makeup.
" well I would say let's go over to the venue but we'll your getting married in the pub so your already here." Chas laughed while handing you your Bouquet.
" I almost forgot. Carly would you mind looking after the rings for us." You said handing the rings to Carly.
" of course I will." Carly took the rings and held them with great care.
" it's time." Your mum Chas said while walking into the front of the pub to sit down (Your brother Aaron was giving you away since your dad had died.)

Rebecca was the first one to walk out into the pub. Her dad Lawrence gave her away. She walked delicately like an angle to the front where the Vicar Harriet was standing.
You where last to walk out since she had her Three bridesmaids.
Carly, Katie and Holly walked out first and then You and Aaron followed out after them.
" we are gathered here today to witness these two beautiful women declare their love for each other in holy matrimony. In request of both of the brides they are going to say their own vows. Rebecca would you like to say your vows first." Harriet stopped to let Rebecca say her Vows.
Chrissy handed Rebecca her vows.
"The moment I first met you, my whole world turned upside down in a good way. You taught me that love wasn't just a physical thing but a mental thing as well. I promise to be faithful, to trust you and I promise to be the best wife I can be." Rebecca paused. Carly handed Rebecca one of the rings.
" with this ring I promise to love you until death do we part." Rebecca slipped the ring onto your finger.
Now it was your turn to speak. Carly handed you your Vows.
" meeting you was the best thing that happened to me, I was a broken woman before I met you but you managed to fix me and heal my wounds. Not only that but you stayed with me through the bad days and the good. I promise to never give up on you, to trust you and most importantly to love you for the rest of my life." You paused so that Carly could hand you the other ring.
" with this ring I promise to stand by you until the end." You took Rebecca's hand and slipped the ring on her finger.
" do you Rebecca Lilly white take Poppy Rose Dingle to be your wife through sickness and in Health till death shall you part?" Harriet asked Rebecca.
" I do." Rebecca replied almost immediately after Harriet had finished speaking.
" Do you Poppy Rose Dingle take Rebecca Lilly White to be your wife through sickness and in Health till death shall you part?" Harriet asked you.
" Of course I Do." You answered.
" Then it gives me great pleasure to Declare you Wife and wife feel free to snog each other's faces off." Harriet laughed.
You pulled Rebecca in and kissed her hard.
Everyone around the clapped and cheered.

At the wedding reception
" I'm so happy for you Poppy." Your mother Chas pulled you into a hug.
" Thanks mum I just wish Dad was hear to see me" ( your only Aaron's half sister.) a tear snuck its way down your face.
" I know love, but he would be so proud of you." Chas hugged you again before walking over to Cain to talk.
" welcome to the Family Poppy." Lawrence came over to talk to you.
" Thanks Lawrence." You replied.
" Are you ok? You look like you've been crying." Lawrence could tell a few tears had snuck their way down your face.
" yea I'm fine I just wish my dad was here to see me." You smiled through the tears. It was your wedding day. Today was supposed to be the greatest day of your life and so far it was the best day.
" I heard about your dad. I'm so sorry Poppy. Rebecca and Chrissy went through the same thing with their mother. I know how it feels to lose a loved one and I definitely know how it feels to not have them with you at times when you need them most." Lawrence pulled you into a hug.
" sorry Dad but Poppy is needed on the dance floor with her new wife." Chrissy pulled you onto the dance floor where Rebecca was standing waiting for you.
Chas changed the song to All of me by John Legend.
Rebecca pulled you into a slow dance where she kissed you. Your mother Chas and Rebecca's Dad Lawrence where taking photos of the both of you dancing.

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