David metcalfe

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You sat on the couch with your two beautiful children Alfie and Ella watching TV when your boyfriend David came in.
" Daddy." Ella and Alfie sprung off of the Couch and ran over to David who picked them both up.
" Nice to see you home so early. Listen I'm going to need you to look after these two for a while. I've got to over to the pub to see My uncle Cain and my mother. They wanna know how I'm doing since I'm practically dying." You said while getting your jacket on.
" Don't think like that Angle. I thought cancer for 2 years and I got better. You'll be fine. I'll see you in a few love you." David kissed you on the lips and you walked out the house to go and see your family.
When you got back you where relived to see that David was alone down stairs. You where still trying to rap your head around his proposal a few days ago.
" Alfie and Ella are at Debbie's she came and got them before. She thought it would be a nice thing to do since you haven't stopped all day." David pulled you in and kissed you.
" can we dance.like old times?" You asked David knowing full well he'd say yes.
" yea of course anything you want." David pulled you into a slow dance and you put your head on his chest.
You danced for hours until you ended the silence.
" Yes." You almost whispered.
" What?" David asked more confused then ever.
" Yes. Yes I'll marry you." You smiled.
" Are you serious?"David asked just making sure.
" Yes of course I'm sure. I know I haven't got long left but I love you so much. And I want to marry you." You put the ring on that David pulled out and kissed him.

The next day you went over to Debbie's to pick up Alfie and Ella.
When you both got there Cain, Charity, Chas,Debbie,Aaron,Robert where over watching your kids.
" Hey Angle didn't think you'd come and get your baby's this early." Debbie said to you while coming over to hug you.
" well we where hoping we could deliver you all the good news. Since your all here." You explained while holding Davids hand tightly.
" Go on then." Debbie encouraged you.
" Me and David are getting married." You said almost yelling.
" No way are you serious." Chas came over to you and hugged you.
" Yep." You replied.
Debbie pulled your hand up to look at your ring.
" That is amazing. You did well David." Debbie said while smiling at you.

Pt2 is going to be of Debbie

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