Andy Sugden

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You sat at school next to your friend Jacob waiting for the bell to go.
3........2......1 "RING" the bell went and you ran out side to find your brother Andy waiting for you.
Shocked to see him you ran over to him and gave him a huge hug.
" I didn't think you where coming home till tomorrow." You said to your brother Andy while walking home with him.
"What can I say I wanted to surprise my little sister. I got on then earliest flight yesterday so that I could see you today." Andy explained to you while opening the door to your house for you.
" It's nice to have you home. I've been board out of my mind listening to Aaron and Robert drone on about how much they love each other." You laughed taking your bag and jacket and hanging them up on the door.
" Haha well if you want once your changed out of your school clothes we can go and see your niece Sarah. I know how much you love spending time at Debbie's so how about we go over to theirs." Andy smiled at yo. You nodded your head and quickly went upstairs to get changed.
Once you where out of your school clothes Andy took you over to Debbie's.
" Hi Angle. How's life?" Debbie asked you while giving you a hug.
" good actual now Andy is back." You replied.

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