Ross Barton

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5 Days after you had ended things with Finn you and Ross had gotten together and you where happier then you had ever been in a relationship.
" oh look it's both my favourite people." Finn walked through the doors of the cafe to see you and Ross holding hands and looking so in Love.
" Finn I can explain." You where about to start explaining why you ended things with him but Finn stopped you.
" Don't bother. You mean nothing to me any more Ella." Finn walked back out of the cafe.
" Don't worry about Finn. He'll forgive and forget." Ross leaned in and kissed you.
" I'm not sure that's going to happen. But anyway I've got better things to be doing with my day then worrying about what Finn things about me." You kissed Ross again before taking a sip of your coffee.
" So do you wanna come through to the back. I'm sure my dad won't mind." You pulled Ross into the back making sure to avoid Your dad Bob and Ross's mum Emma who had just walked into the Cafe.
In the back of the cafe Ross kissed you passionately. You pulled your fingers through his soft hair as he ran his fingers down the back of your spin. You rapped your legs around Ross as he carried you up the stairs and into your bedroom.
He dropped you onto the bed and pulled his shirt off while you unbuttoned your T-shirt.
Ross bent down onto the bed and kissed you again this time harder. His kisses send shivers down your spin. You loved Ross much more then you had ever loved Finn.
You dad Bob knocked on the door sending Ross scuttling across the room to put his T-shirt back on. You buttoned your shirt back up before shouting.
" You can come in dad." You yelled. Ross pulled you into his arms once he got back onto the bed.
" Brenda though it would be a good idea if you me Ross and Brenda went down to the pub for Dinner tonight." Your dad Bob asked.
" I'm down if you are." Ross said.
" then it's settled." You replied.

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