Finn Barton

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1 year had gone past and you where still feeling trapped in your relationship with Finn Barton. It was something about Finns while family that intimidated you and made you feel like you could think clearly.
But the only thing was you had a crush on his older brother Ross and he felt the same about you. You knew that he felt the same because he tried to kiss you a few weeks ago. You really wanted to kiss him but you knew that you had to end things with Finn before you could date Ross.
The question was how would you break things with Finn without shattering his whole world.
You sat with your soon to be Ex boyfriend Finn in his house.
" so what do you want to do today?" Finn asked you just moments after he had asked you he started talking again not giving you a second to breath.
" I was thinking we could go out into to Town or the BMB." He continued talking about what you could do till eventually you screamed.
"GIVE ME A SECOND TO BREATH." You yelled without thinking.
" I feel trapped when I'm here. I'm sorry Finn but I feel like the walls are caving in around me every time I'm with you." You couldn't help but feel Nan about hurting Finn feelings.
" I know why your doing this. You have feelings for someone else don't you?" Finn asked you knowing full well what your answer would be. You nodded your head.
Before you or Finn could say something Roos came through the door with his mother Emma.
" Finn what's happened?" Emma asked her son Finn.
" Me and Ella have Ended things. She has feelings for my brother Ross." Finn told his mother.
You where shocked that he knew that you had feelings for Ross. And by the look on his face Ross was too.
" Get out Both of you." Finn yelled at you and Ross.
" Finn." Both you and Ross said at the same time.
" You heard what he said now get out." Emma pushed both of you out of the house.

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