Charity Tate

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Your mother Charity sat on the couch with her arms around you like usual. She was more then your mother she was your best friend. No one could ever come close to what you and your mother had. You could tell her anything except what Locklan did to you. He raped you and he got you pregnant. You could never bring yourself to tell her. She would never forgive you. Your 14 and already pregnant. Well at least you where until you went to the doctors and got an abortion. You almost told Charity a few days ago but your sister Debbie came into the room and you could bring yourself to tell them both.
" hello. Have we interrupted something?" Your big sister Debbie walked into the room with you Dad Cain.
" No not at all I was just enjoying some time with my little girl." Charity hugged you before getting up off of the couch.
You could help yourself a tear rolled down your face followed by 6 other tears.
" What's up Angle." Your father Cain asked you.
You couldn't get yourself to tell them so you got your phone out and showed them the messages Locklan had been sending you.
It didn't take a genius to figure out what he had done to you from what he'd been sending you.
" when I find him he won't be alive for much longer." You Dad Cain threatened.
" believe me you'll have to step in line." Charity sat down next to you again and asked you questions about what had happened but you couldn't speak

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