Debbie Dingle Pt 2

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" What do you think you doing storming in to my daughters house?" Cain yelled trying to be quiet since you and your mum Debbie where upstairs.
" I just came to see if Holly was ok." Harriet explained.
"Don't give me that good girl act. You could of killed Holly. Your lucky she's alive. If she died you would have me and Debbie knocking down your door." Your Granny Charity threatened.
You put you hands over your ears and put your head on your mums chest.
" don't worry Darling they will stop shouting soon I promise." Debbie rubbed your head.
"I'll be back in a second ok Holly." Debbie got up from your bed and walked down stairs.
" will you keep it Down. Holly's scared out of her mind up there. As for you Harriet you are dead to me. You put my daughter in hospital for 5 weeks. She can't go back to school until she's fully recovered. She has to be on bed rest or sit on the couch until she's ready to go back to school. If she wants to go out I have to take her out in a wheelchair. You have ruined a girls life. Does that make you feel powerful? Knowing that you've destroyed Holly's life." Debbie yelled in Harriet's face while you lay with your head in your legs crying.
" please make it stop." You kept on whispering to your self.
You couldn't help but scream.
" that's what you've done. I'll go and get her. Now in the meantime you need to get the hell out of this house." You grandad Cain ran upstairs to carry you down stairs while Debbie pushed Harriet out of the house.
" has the yelling stopped yet?" You asked while Burying your head in Cains shoulder.
" hey holly of course the yelling stopped. Don't worry. That will never happen again." Cain lowered you onto the couch while your mum sat next to you.

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