Debbie Dingle

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You sat in the pub with you sister Debbie and your dad Cain for lunch. Debbie was getting married in a few days to Ross and you where so over the moon for you sister.
But nothing was going to take your mind off of the horrible things Locklan was saying to you.
Ever since your Mum Charity had stolen £50 grand from Locklans Mum Chrissy he has been horrible to you. It wasn't so bad at first it was only a few snarky remarks about the way you look. And then he started kicking you in the stomach or making fun of your dad. Or telling  you you were fat. It sounds pathetic a 25 year old picking on a 17 years old. But it hurts.
" are you ok Poppy." Debbie asked you while taking a chip from her plate.
" yea I'm fine I just need a drink I'll be back in a second." You got up and walked over to  the bar where you asked your mum for a orange juice. While she was getting your drink Locklan walked through the door and stood next to you. Much to your dismay.
" what the hell are you eve doing here."Lochlan said with a horrible tone in his voice.
" Err it's none of you business but I do live here invade you forgot. And I'm just getting a orange juice from my mum."You replied.
" Ha don't you think you should just starve your self. With that body. You need to lose a few hundred pounds." Locklan laughed.
" And what seems to be wrong with her body?" You and Locklan turned around to find your sister Debbie and your dad Cain standing behind you.
" well for startes she can't even fit into any of her clothes without her stomach popping out." Locklan laughed again.
" How about you shut your mouth and leave my daughter alone before I make you." Cain pushed lochlan away from you while Debbie pulled you into a hug.

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