Music class

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Tre's P.O.V.

I went to the bathroom to look at the damage. I had a black eye, a bruised cheek, and as I checked where he hit me in the stomach and chest, I had some more bruising there too. The bruising on my stomach region is just mark on top of mark on top of mark. Billie and his gang never gave my scars time to heal..
You can imagine I was very late for my next class, art. The teacher, Ms. Black, was used to this though and all she had to do was look at my face as she gave me a sympathetic look and motioned me to sit down.

~~~time laps~~~

Now it's 4th hour, music class. I have 4th and 6th hour with, guess who, Billie Joe Armstrong.

I took my regular seat in the back of the class, the teacher wasn't there yet. Billie Joe walked in with his friend Mike Dirnt and they were both laughing about something. Before they sat down Billie eyed me... It kind of seemed like he was lost in thought when he did, he wasn't eyeing me as to say "I'm gonna kill you" like usual. Hm. I didn't think much of it.

Finally the teacher, Mr. Stump, walked in and started talking about a new project.

"Okay guys! I wanted to try seating arrangements so I'm just going to call out your name and tell you where to sit!"

Oh no. No no no no... What if he puts me in the front of the class?! What if he puts me by Mike?!? WHAT IF HE PUTS ME BY BILLIE?! SHITTT.

"Kurt Cobain, you sit right over there"
He pointed to a desk in the front. (I know it's dumb that we have desks in music class...)
"Pete Wentz, you'll sit right there"
He pointed to a desk in the middle of the classroom.

"Frank Iero, Tré Wright, and Billie Joe Armstrong, you guys can all grab a seat next to Pete"

Billie made a loud groaning sound when his name was said after mine, "Do I havveee to sit by that fag?!"

"That kind of language could get you sent to the office Mr. Armstrong. And yes, you do have to sit there"

Billie snarled and went to sit right next to me...

A little time had passed and Mr. Stump was still calling out names. As soon as he called on some dude named Gerard Way and had him sit in the back, Frank sighed and frowned. He probably was friends with him or something.

When the teacher finished, he announced that we had to partner up with someone at our tables (or line of desks) and he said that we would end up working on a number of projects with them. I tried to be partners with Frank or something, but both Frank and Pete know about how rude and stuck up Billie is, and being they were sitting right next to each other, they quickly partnered up. And guess who I'm stuck with? Yeah, Billie Fucking Joe.

"What the fuck Wright, this is so fucking dumb. You better not try any shit.."  Billie snarled at me, I could tell he was pissed but didn't know what to say. I just looked at him. He seemed to had noticed.. I thought he was going to yell at me or something but he just stared right back at me with curious eyes until a few minutes past and he finally spoke.

"W-what ya looking at, fag??" He spit out.

"I could ask you the same," i'm not sure where this confidence came from, but I welcomed it! Billie looked shocked then pissed. This whole thing was beginning to be funny to me.

"You were staring first dumbass"

"How would you know if you weren't looking at me?"

"Dude I could feel your eyes on me"

"Mhm, sure you could" after I said that Billie kicked me hard in the leg. I let out a yelp, not even expecting it... It was super embarrassing, everyone was looking at me and Billie was just laughing.

I just hoped this class would end soon.

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