Twenty Dollar Nose Bleed

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Billie's P.O.V.



He giggled, "You used to spit at me at school all the time anyways, now we're even!"

I raised one eyebrow.. K now what am i gonna do?...

"K, well, Tré, I have to have the last move and I don't know if you just want me to give you a Wet Willy or what?.."

"God Billie, why can't I just have the la-"

I cut him off this time, by sticking my finger in his mouth while he was talking. He gaged and I rubbed the spit from his mouth on his shirt. At this point, he was 1/4 free. He brought his free arm to my chest and pushed hard. It was actually pretty tough, why didn't he ever defend himself at school? I tried bringing my loose hand down to stop him, but he just grabbed my wrist and.. Ah shit, this is a snake bite..

I bit my lip as he twisted my wrist. Suddenly, his foot moved, which caught me off guard. I must have loosened my hold on him as he was giving me a snake bite.. Oh, he's good....

His foot kicked my other leg off of him. Now he's 3/4 free.. fuck! I can't fucking lose to Tré!!

He then looked up at me, "are punches aloud to be thrown?"

... well


Before Tré could punch me, I rolled off him. He sprung up and so did I. We just looked at each other for a bit, till Tré narrowed his eyes. Before he could do whatever he was thinking of doing, I side kicked his leg and he fell to the ground, letting out a little "Oof" sound.

Third person P.O.V.

While on the ground, Tré quickly kicked one of Billie's legs, and watched as he too, fell.

Billie looked at Tré, kind of surprised; then he just tackled Tré again.

"God Tré, why the fuck did you never defend yourself in school?," Billie asked, his head in the crook of Tre's neck.

"Didn't want to hurt anyone man. We're just playing around now anyways, who says I could do it for real?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?," Billie said into Tre's shoulder, followed up by Billie readjusting his position, and looking into Tre's eyes, "What's the point in being strong if you don't use your muscle??"

"Protecting other people."

"Damn Tré... You're really.. hm.."

Tré lifted an eyebrow, and pushed Billie off of him. He sat beside Billie, when an idea popped into his head, and he smirked.

Tré grabbed Billie and slammed him against the wall, still smirking. Billie seemed shocked, as well as a little shaky. Tré wounded his fist back, just like Billie would before punching him.
Billie's eyes widened, looking at the fist, and then back up at Tré.

"T-Tré... You're doing it wrong," Billie stated.

"Well damn, I wasn't gonna actually punch you, but now I kind of want to"
Billie giggled to Tre's remark.

"I was shocked at the whole situation at first, but then I remembered it was just you," Billie stated.

"'Just you"?" Tré questioned, seeming offended.

"No Tré, I didn't mean it like that. Just brought back some flashbacks"

"Whatcha mean?"

"Like, when my stepdad used to do that," Billie shrugged innocently.

Tre's eyes widened.. "This got deep real fast," Tré thought it himself. He let go of Billie and just sat on the floor, "What did your stepdad used to do?"

"Oh, it's not that bad, it's like the same stuff I used to do to you at school, but a little harder," Billie said bluntly. Not an expression on his face.

Tré understood a little more why Billie beat him and other kids up at school now. He didn't know what to say to Billie though.

Tre's P.O.V.

So I just gave him a hug.

Billie's P.O.V. (Also changes in time prospective.. "present" now lol)

Currently, Tré's arms are engulfing me. I decided to engulf him back.

...K this is too cheesy.. I wanna go back to fighting.

So, I took the opportunity of us hugging each other, to throw Tré and me on the ground (using my legs), but so that I was on top. All while we were still hugging.

Tre's arms quickly spread out and I grabbed them. Here we are, back where we started. This time my grip is harder, and my effort is greater. Tré seemed mad at first, but then he laughed.

"Good one Bill," Tré congratulated, trying to get up, but to no avail, I was holding him down too tightly this time. 

((K back to past time prospective))

After a bit of trying to get up, Tré eventually gave up, and pouted. I looked over his frustrated face, exploring every inch of it with my eyes. My eyes suddenly landed on my lips and my heart pumped a little faster... WTF?! IM NOT A FUCKING FAGGOT!!

I quickly pulled Tré up and pinned him against the wall, going for a punch. He seemed shocked when my fist collided with his face.

It took me a second to calm down when I had realized what I had done. Tré's nose was bleeding...

"FUCK, SHIT TRÉ I DIDNT MEAN-" I didn't finish my sentence I just let a look of worry consume my face as I picked him up like a baby, cradling him.

"I'm sorry," I said softly and quietly. I brought him to the bathroom and set him on the floor. He still didn't speak. I got some tissues and cleaned up his nose and then kissed it, as to say sorry. He blushed a lot, but still a disappointed and betrayed look covering his face. I then carried him to my room and set him on the bed. I cuddled up next to him, knowing there was nothing to say at this point.

"I know this is gonna sound like an excuse," I chuckle, "But if you couldn't tell already, I have bipolar," Tré looked at me with super wide eyes, "That explains a fucking lot."

I chucked to his reaction, "I thought you would've caught on," I said still laughing, "YEAH, IM DUMB!," Tré exclaimed, palming his forehead head, then looking up at me, "I thought you would've caught on!," he mocked. I let out a big laugh.

Tre's P.O.V.

"You're smarter than me kid," Billie said still laughing.

"Sure Billie, sure," I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh, says the all A student! Give me a break!"

"Hey that's just because I have a lot of time on my hands okay," I laugh, "And a I actually study!"

"What's a "study" ?" Billie joked, giving me a confused look.

"You actually read over your notes"

"What notes?"

I just rolled my eyes and laughed. Billie pushed me playfully and then got up, leaving the room. I quickly followed.

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