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Tré's P.O.V.

I hear someone get on my bed, waking me up. Suddenly there's a hot breath on my neck. Not even a moment passes and the hot breath turns into a nibble, then it's gone. I keep my eyes closed, amused.

"Come on, Tré," Billie Joe says, placing his hand on my cheek, "get up, it's Monday and we've skipped enough school."

I grunt wanting to see what Billie'll do if I refuse. Maybe he'll go back to kissing my ne-

"OWE," I yell, after Billie throws a watch at my head.

"See! It's 5:00AM!"

"What?! You're getting me up at 5:00AM?! School starts at 8:00!"

"How are we gonna hang before school if we get up at 8:00," Bill asks, a little annoyed. I just grunt again.
Billie Joe apparently decided to place his lips on mine. My eyes are still closed. He kissed me for awhile, bitting and licking my lips, "Now get the fuck up," Billie said more annoyed this time. I roll off the bed and Billie laughs.

"I'm up," I moan. Billie grabs my hand and leads me to the dining room table. He's already made coffee for both of us.

"Yah want creamer," my boyfriend asks.

"Yeah sure," I respond, and to that Billie dumps some creamer in my mug and passes me a spoon. It's like I'm the guest at his house..

Billie finally sits beside me after putting the creamer away. We're the only ones up, my parents'll get up in a few hours. He leans his head against my shoulder.

"How'd you sleep," I ask him.

"I didn't," Billie responds blankly. Dammit...

"Well why not?"

Billie shrugs at this, "I couldn't, I kept rolling over and thinking..."

"Thinking about what?"

"What's my Ma gonna say when she comes home and I'm not there.. She gonna kick her boyfriend out? Or will he bullshit his way through why I'm missing, and my Ma'll just worry... I don't know," Billie spills, talking faster than usual, "Also, what will people say about us? Haha, I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the kids I used to pummel for being gay. They'll be so damn mad and confused. And to see the look on everyone else's face, some wondering if it's a joke, if I'm gay, or being jealous that you're mine," Billie Joe smirks. I laugh and hold his hand, relieved that he's not gonna pretend we're not dating.

Yep, i still update, just not that often. Sorry for the short chapter. I'll actually be updating again soon.

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