Finally an update

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At first this was gonna be a smut chapter but I don't think anyone wants that, so fuck it

Tré's P.O.V.
*right where we last left off*

Billie smiled widely and leaned up to reach my lips, for a short, but passionate kiss. He then laid back down and cuddled into my chest once again.

~~~a few hours of cuddling and Billie throwing up later~~~

Billie was sleeping soundly on my chest when suddenly there was a big slam on the door. Billie groaned a little bit and rubbed his eyes. I shook him all the way awake when I heard footsteps coming upstairs.
When Billie was fully awake he looked at me with fear in his eyes, and immediately got up. He creeped around his room door and winced, then turned back around to me.

"You have to go," he whispered.

"What's going on Billie?"

He turned back around when he heard his moms door open. He turned back around to me, "Tré you have to-"
Before he could finish his sentence, there was a knock on his door. He quickly shoved me into his closet.

"One second," I heard Billie say, opening the door.

I heard someone step in the room.

"Where the fuck is my beer," asked a very deep and bitter voice (sounding a bit drunk).

"U-uhm... What beer?"
Then I heard a slap. A very loud one.

"You know damn well what beer! There's non left, what the fuck did you do with it, dumbass?!"

"I-I'm so-sorry sir, I d-don't kn-know wha-"
Billie was interrupted by what sounded to be a punch and someone falling on the ground.

I was tempted to come out of the closet at this point... What's happening to Billie?

"You fucking drank it all! Get ready for a beating, you little fucking brat!"

As soon as I heard that, I jumped out of the closet. Billie was on the floor, his head against his desk, and a big red hand print on his left cheek. Standing over him, and now looking at me, was a tall man, but not as tall as Tom, I could now tell he was drunk for sure by the way he stood. He had greying hair, and an American flag shirt on, with some baggy jeans.

"Who the fuck is that?!"

Billie stayed silent, looking at me with tears in his eyes. I'd never seen him so scared before.

"Is that a fucking hickey," asked the bitter man, examining me. Making me realize I never re-applied the makeup that Billie removed over one of his hickeys.

I stepped closer to them, and helped Billie up. He stood slightly behind me, shaking uncontrollably. I looked up at the man and sighed... What can I say?

"A hickey that my girlfriend gave me, god damn, it's non of your business anyways. And what does that have to do with you hitting Billie?!"

He was steaming at this point. He was going to punch me but I dodged it, grabbing Billie's hand and running out of his house with him.

"Billie we gotta get to my place," I said running. Billie was forced to follow.

We arrived at my place within about ten minutes. When we got inside, i quickly lead him to my room.

"Billie who was that?"

I've had this chapter ready for fucking FOREVER. I just never posted it because it's horrible... sorry for the sucky chapter

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