Billie's House

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After that day at lunch, Billie protected me for awhile. But at the same time, he beat me up every once in awhile. He always made up for it when he did take shit out on me though. A few times it was just because his friends were right there, chanting at him to hit me. He never did it too hard though, a few times in front of his crew, he would quickly whisper to me to "go along," and would just fake it punch me, or punch me very softly. But damn was he good at making it look real, it was like he was a trained actor or something. Just as I was good at fake crying and acting hurt. I'm not as good at acting as Billie though, but his friends seem to be buying it. We were kind of friends now I guess? Maybe more of acquaintances.. I don't know?

~~~~Two weeks of Billie defending Tré later~~~~

"fucking faggot, you disgust me!"

It was Troy again... This time in 6th hour. AKA gym class. We were in the locker room when I was stopped from getting ready by my #1 fan. Troy.

"Who the fuck are you calling a faggot, you little fucking poove," someone, who I recognized to be Billie, shouted deeply.

Suddenly Troy's hands were off me and I heard him being slammed into a locker. I opened my eyes to see Billie Joe with both hands on Troy's neck, basically choking him.


"Did I say you could speak?"

Billie then looked over to me then grabbed my by the wrist and ran out of the locker room; me being forced to follow. I think we're skipping class...

He kept going without saying anything



"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere but here man," Billie said grinding his teeth, I could tell he was pissed, but trying to at least sound apathetic. He maybe good at faking punches, but that's pretty much the extent of his acting skills...

We kept walking till we were at his locker, he grabbed his backpack and lead me to my locker (probably memorized where it is by now after beating me up at it everyday). He motioned for me to open it and I grabbed my stuff. Then we left the school.

I assumed we were walking but apparently Billie has a black Buick Roadmaster. I just stared at him and then he spoke.

"You gonna get in?"

"Oh.. okay yeah heh."

So I got in. Billie just drove to his house... Wow.. he was my Bully less than three weeks ago and now he's fine with just taking me to his house... His house was pretty sweet though; way bigger than mine.

I guess no one was home yet. Bill just took my wrist again and we walked inside.

"Want anything to eat?"

"I don't know man, you got pizza?"

"I'll order some," he smiled. He was about to call but then looked up at me.

"Oh wait! Toppings?," this is so weird.. right now he's not being mean or even trying to act tough. He's just being... cute. Just being himself! Damn, why is he so comfortable with me?? Out of all people. I mean I'm definitely beyond honored, but just why?

"You okay Tré?," Billie said in a concerned tone.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I'll take whatever you want, Bill."

Billie seemed satisfied with that and then called dominos and ordered a vegetarian pizza. After he did so, he offered to go to his room and I took up on it. He lead me upstairs to a pretty decent sized room with a queen size bed and a flat screen TV across from it. Along with a blue guitar set by a worn out desk with a lot of crumpled paper surrounding it.

Bill just sat on the bed and I followed. He stared examining my body for any bruises, "Any new marks? Anyone bother you recently?," Billie said finishing up examining my arms before looking up at me with an eyebrow raised.

"N-no, I'm fine Billie," I answered honestly.

"Good," he said, going to lean against the head of the bed, his hands behind his head, relaxed.

"B-Billie... Have you been feeling okay?," I finally ask.

"Yeah, of course," he seemed confused, "Why do you ask?"

"I mean for the last couple of weeks you started defending me instead of beating me up; and now I'm at your house! And you're not even punching me! I-I mean, like are you alright? Why the sudden change of attitude towards me?"

"Oh.." he shrugged, "I don't know man, you just seem so small and helpless and I... I don't know... You didn't do anything wrong! I didn't like seeing people pick on you!" He paused, "Yah know, it's way more fun to protect someone than to just bully random people for no reason. I owe you one anyways, I've been picking on you since sophomore year, Tré! I definitely owe it to you! Plus it's way more satisfying to beating up people that actually did something wrong. I-..."

Billie Joe just sighed and stopped talking. He looked into my eyes for a few moments before just giving me a huge bear hug. He held me tightly, holding me as close as possible to him in a very protecting way. I was of course, very shocked by this, but I soon calmed down and hugged him back.

He held me there like that for a good five or six minutes before the door bell rang.

"Must be the pizza guy" he said into my shoulders, I could feel him smiling. He released me and I immediately missed the warmth of him. He jumped off the bed and I followed as we went to answer the door. I pulled out my wallet and Billie just took it from me... Dang he really doesn't wanna pay...

When he answered the door he pulled out his own wallet and payed. Oh. Welp, I misjudged. He then handed me my wallet back with a wink to which I blushed at and we sat down.

He opened the pizza and we attacked it. After that we were both stuffed. It was six o'clock now. I thought he was gonna kick me out or something but instead he just got off his chair and motioned for me to follow him. I obliged and we went back to his room.

He laid on his bed and I watched. Then he looked back at me expectingly, but I didn't know what he wanted.. Should I just sit on the floor or-

Before I could finish my thought, he rolled his eyes with a smile and pulled me on the bed, to lay beside him. It's not like it was a twin bed or anything, we had a lot of room, so it was okay. He looked back at me and asked if I wanted to watch a movie.

We ended up watching a few horror movies and before we knew it, it was ten pm. Billie stretched and yawned. we were still watching a movie when he suddenly cuddled up next to me, his head laying on my chest.

"Mmm I'm tired Tré"

"Then sleep," and he did.


Woahhhh there, long ass chapter!
Shit I should have been more patient but I couldn't help myself!!! This was taking to long and I needed action lmao.

Sorry this stories pretty shitty..

But I'm actually kinda-semi proud of this chapter¿?

Tell me what you guys think of this turn of events lol

~Shit head

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