Oh yeah, school

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Billies' POV

I'm sleeping peacefully, when suddenly Tré's yodeling for me to get up. I sit up straight stiffly at all his yelling, that really scared me, quite frankly. "Damn Tré! What? I'm awake!"


"OH SHIT," I yell, jumping out of bed. As soon as my legs hit the floor I quickly spin around and give Tré a relatively long kiss, then pull away abruptly, leaving Tré shocked. Haha, I love doing that.

I quickly run into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then go to Trés' room and grab one of his hoodies, smelling it pleasurably. I can't get enough of this kid.

I notice Tré in the corner of my eye smirking at me for smelling his sweatshirt. Tré didn't have a shirt on. All his old bruises from being bullied were gone, and replaced by my love bites. I smile widely at that change and walk over to him. I grab his hair so tightly, Tré gasps, and I quickly slip my tongue into his mouth. He doesn't kiss back at first and I kiss I'm rough and madly. I stop the kiss in an instant, just as Tré starts to kiss back. With my hand still tightly holding his hair, I pull his face away so I can give him a good look. I smirk, looking at his now-wide-eyes. I bring his ear close to my mouth with a tug that makes him moan, "You won't be able to walk for weeks after I'm done with you tonight," I whisper hotly into his ear, biting his lobe.

I let go of Tré swiftly and turn around, walking through his room door. I don't even look at Trés' reaction but I bet it's great. The thought makes me smirk. Back in the bathroom, I rummage through my backpack and find some black skinny jeans. I put them on, not even having had any pants on before that. I give myself one last look in the mirror, approving of my outfit and nice-ass-looking face. No wonder Tré loves me, I'm the best.

"You're so narcissistic," Tré smirks, leaning against the door... Shit did I say all that out loud? I let out a breathy laugh, and grab Trés' hand, walking out of the bathroom, leading us out the front door and to my car. As Tré and I buckle up I mumble, "You know that puts you on." Tré turns his head and raises an eyebrow, "What," he questions. I smirk, "Oh nothing."

I put my car into reverse and back out of the driveway, then switch gears. I quickly drive us to school, and glance at my watch quickly, then look back at the road. "Only 8:04, we've got 6 more minutes till we have to be to class, if we run, we can make it," I say, and from my peripheral I see Tré nod his head, furrowing his eyebrows in determination. Wow that's so damn cute.

We soon arrive at school with three minutes to spare. Me and Tré run in, not holding hands because he have different classes in different directions.

Today's gonna be a good day, I can feel it.

Thanks to @greendayfan123456 and everyone else who asks me to update. Every comment makes my day and makes me really want to update. Appreciate you guys, thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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