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"So... Um.. I'm dating the faggot," I said casually, obviously a lot more drunk then everyone else.

"Doesn't that make you a faggot?" Bradley asked.

"So is that who that hickey's from?" Robert laughed, getting up and licking his finger. Before I could react, he was wiping off the concealer covering Tré's hickey's.
He laughed, a bit shocked, going back to sit down.

"Bill, how long have you been a dick sucker?" Joji asked, giggling.

Tré looked fearful, but I just smirked, putting my arm around his shoulder, "Since like, yesterday," I smiled, "Happy one day, babe," I said in a girly mocking tone, earning a laugh from Tré, and Mike.

Joji didn't look impressed...
"Geez Joji," I said getting off the couch and standing by him, "if you need to make my nose bleed because I'm a 'faggot' now, knock yourself out," I stated flatly, getting bored over his silence.

Joji looked at me silently for a second and then laughed, "It's alright faggot, you're still my pal, I don't really give a fuck. Just a little surprised, you usually beat up people like that," Joji pointed out.

"I beat myself up too, I cut my-" I was cut off by Tré,
"Wait till 2004 Bill," he reminded me.
"Oh, right. I was just messing around Joji," I laughed.

After that, everyone seemed chill with everything.

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