Care For Some Vodka?

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Tré's P.O.V.

"So how are things with Jennifer?"

"Eh... We got in a little fight last night. It was just over me turning on the tv during a make out session. She'll probably forget about it tomorrow though," Tom responded, shrugging, "How are things with... Uh.. You have a boy friend yet Tré?"

"I don't know," I shrug.

"WAIT," Tom gets up yelling


"'I don't know" is a step up," he said laughing. I rolled my eyes and tripped him.

"Shit," Tom called as he fell. I was just laughing at this point. Tom got relaxed again before speaking, "So who's the "I don't know" Hm?"

I narrow my eyes, "Why should I tell you?"

"Come on Tré! We've been like, best buds since 8th grade!"



"Tom why do you care so much," I laughed. To this, Tom shrugs.

"Hm... I don't know.. You got me curious and it will kill me inside if you don't just fucking tell m-"

"It's Billie Joe Armstrong," I interrupted Tom.

"Wait, what the hell? That son of a bitch's been messing with you since sophomore year! Doesn't he hate you?"

"I guess not," was all I decided to say.

"So... Did he just.. How did?... ... How?"

"He stopped bullying me for the last few weeks and started protecting me, in fact. Then on Wednesday, this kid was beating me up and Billie Joe came and beat the shit out of him. He seemed more angered than usual. He grabbed me by the wrist and straight up, walked out of gym class. I spent the night at his house for two days, and just got home like a few hours ago," I explained to Tom, who was completely, and utterly shocked after that explanation.

"Damn... He protected you?!"

"Yeah, I guess," I stated, Tom now looking down at his lap.

"I never saw that coming man.. Holy shit," Tom looked up at me, "What the fuck did you guys do at Billie's," Tom asked, eyes wider than ever, mouth still hung open. That question made me laugh so fucking hard, I couldn't even stop, it hurt my stomach so fucking much. I couldn't even focus on Tom's reaction at all.

~~~like two minutes later~~~

After I had calmed down, I looked up at Tom, who was still waiting for an answer.

"The first night I was there, he fucking cuddled up next to me right before he fell asleep," I think that's all I should say to Tom..

"So, you guys didn't fuck, right?"

"God damn, don't get too ahead of yourself kid," I commented, chuckling a bit.

"Did you guys kiss?"

"Yah know, these are some pretty personal questions, Tom," I reminded him. Tom's not really aware of stuff like thus when he's not on his meds.

"Oh sorry," Tom said shaking his head, "Wanna order a pizza?"

"Why is that a question?"

Billie's P.O.V.

Mike laid on the floor playing a sweet ass baseline that he said he just came up with. I sat on the bed listening as he played.
He soon finished, and I clapped for him, making him smirk.

"I want vodka," Mike stated.

"Think I have some in my parents room," I notified Mike, smiling. He nodded, and I stumbled off the bed, and walked to my moms room. Under the bed, sure enough, was a big bottle of vodka.

When I came back to my room with it, Mike was talking to someone on my phone.

"Yeahhh, he broke up with Amanda for you mannn. You should come over and have a drink of Vodka with-"

"MIKE," I yelled, realizing he was talking to Tré. Mike looked up at me.

"Wow here he is right now," Mike told Tré, laughing. Mike then put Tré on hold and looked up at me, "Can he bring a friend?"

Ah fuck it. I shouldn't have to care about this shit when I'm high and about to be drunk.

"Sure," I said saltily. Mike put the phone back up to his ear.

"Yeahhh Tréeeee, bring whoever, it's cooool," Mike notified Tré. And now I know for sure who he's talking to...
Mike put the phone down and looked up at me, "He's on his way"

"What did you fucking tell him?"

"All I had to say was that you were high and getting drunk. He seemed concerned," Shit, now my boyfriend's gonna come over here and watch my drunk ass.

Wait? Boyfriend? Heh, I really am high.

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