"Heated shove war"

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Tre's P.O.V.

I just laid there, playing with Billie Joe's short curly blond hair for about an hour. Finishing the movie before eventually falling asleep.

Billie Joe's P.O.V.

I woke up all cuddled up with Tré. His hands were tangled in my hair and my head was still resting on his chest, in the crook of his neck. I carefully got up trying not to wake him, but failed... His eyes slowly opened.

"Mm Morning BeeJ," he hummed.


"...What? Your friends don't already call you that??"

"Well... I mean, Mike does, but... Ugh whatever," I laughed, "You hungry Tré? I know I am"

"Same here man," I could feel Tré getting more comfortable with me. We both were! I haven't even been trying to maintain my tough stature, I've just been being myself! And Tré doesn't seem that nervous at all anymore. He didn't even stutter! And he even started calling me by my nickname, cute.

Uh, "cute" in a friend way of course. Wait, me and Tré are friends right?? I think we are now! I'll ask him later..

"Wanna go get some cereal or something," I asked

"Sure! Thanks BeeJ!" He seemed so thankful? All for cereal??
We walked downstairs, my mom's on a business trip and my step dad's probably hooking up with random girls. Either way, we had the house to ourselves.

I poured us both some Chex cereal, and sat down next to Tré. He said thanks to me again and then we both ate.

"Hey Tré" I say with a mouthful of cereal.

Tré giggled at that and finished chewing before he spoke, "Yeah?"

"We're friends right?"

"Yeah! I mean, if you want to be.."

"Of course I do!" Tré seemed a little taken back by my answer.

I smiled at Tré after our little conversation and he smiled back. I took the opportunity to study his features. I love how his lips kinda pop out, and his ocean blue eyes are so captivating, and enthralling, and so bright. His green hair's so messy, but he makes it work. I really just don't wanna look away. This usually happens when I look at my girlfriend but lately it hasn't... And it happens a lot with Tré! Shit he's had to have noticed!

With that thought I quickly dart my eyes down, and to the side, and just anywhere but Tré.

"What are you doing?" Tré laughed.

"I just got lost in thought and then noticed I was staring at you heheh, sorry." I looked back up at him as I explained.

"Bet you just think I look good!" Tré laughed, teasing.

"Oh shut up, pretty boy," I laughed.


I rolled my eyes and pushed him a little. He pushed back... Well I've gotta push back!

~~~~a few minutes later~~~~

Tré and I are currently in a heated shoving war.

We're not even at the kitchen island anymore, now we've wandered into the living room still shoving and pushing. Tré tackled me and laughed like he had won. I laughed for a different reason; he thinks I'd let him off that easily??

I flipped Tré over and I was now on top of him, he tried to get away but I held him to the ground firmly. Then I laughed proudly. Tré narrowed his eyes as I laughed, and then did something I did not expect.

You rats'll find out in the next chapter I guess ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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