Lunch time defender

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Tre's P.O.V.

After fourth hour is lunch, and since I have fourth with Billie, I have lunch with him too.

I always sit by myself at lunch but don't like the loner status, so I eat outside under a tree.

As I was sitting under the tree, I noticed some people coming up to me. Wow people wanting to sit by me?? Or was it just too crowded inside... I don't recognize any of the people coming up to me either..

As they get closer i just looked at the ground and pretended to be deep in thought, trying to seem like I didn't notice them. Then they reached me and one spat at my face. Shit, more bullies..

"Hey Frank... We're bored and you look it too so why don't we hang," what seemed like the leader of the group spoke bitterly and sarcastically.

Before I could say anything I was getting hit at.

I saw Billie's face grow sad but was that emotion was soon consumed by anger. After that I couldn't pay attention to him, I was too busy trying to defend myself.

Billie came over to me very angrily and I thought he was going to join in with the kids before one spoke.

"Hey Armstrong, come to join in on the fun?" One of the 4 kids punching me asked with a smirk

"Get the fuck away from him Troy" Billie said to the leader, ignoring the previous persons tease... Why is he defending me???

"Wh-what," Troy laughs

"Funny Billie," another spoke. Billie seemed pissed at this point. He started punching them.

They were just as shocked as me at this. They quickly ran away, not wanting to mess with him. He just looked at me as he calmed down.

"...Wh-" I was cut short by Billie waving me off.

"You're my victim, and no one else's," he said trying to seem intimidating, "Woah they really left a mark huh?" He said kneeling down to look at my face. He gripped the back of my face as he scrapped his thumb over my eye.

Then he looked me in the eyes, "Damn Tré, and your lip's bleeding.. You uh.. Need some help cleaning that up?"

That's the first time Billie called me anything other then fag... I was shocked.. First Billie defends me, then he offers help! This day is looking up fast!

"Uh sure Billie, that would be nice," was all I could muster. So he grabbed my wrist and we went inside, no one had really noticed us, so Billie crept into the hallway and found the nearest rest room. He let go of my wrist and put his hands in his hips, examining me.

"Okay.. so let's clean up your split lip first," he said going to get paper towels. He then wrapped it around his thumb and brushed it against my lip gently, "Okay it's not that bad Tré!" He said looking up at me with a smile, "Now how are we gonna fix your black eye..."

"Uh, it's okay Billie, I get black eyes all the time," I said trying to make him a little less worried. He just looked up at me saddened, "Well I saw them kick you in the stomach too while I walked over to you guys, it sounded pretty hard.." Billie said, bring his hand to the end of my shirt and looking up at me for approval.

"N-no! Uhm.. You wouldn't like that, Billie.." I warned.

"Tré it sounded bad," Billie looked at me sternly, then looked back at my shirt and lifted it up a little, seeing mark after mark. He gasped and looked up at me with wide eyes then back down to my stomach then back up at me, back and fourth a couple times.

"Billie, it's alright," I tried pushing his hand away from my shirt but he just lifted it up all the way, just below my pecks. He gasped even louder and looked up at me worryingly. He tried finding words, but he couldn't speak. When he realized nothing was coming out of his mouth, he just wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tightly.

"Most of that is from me isn't it," Billie asked, sounding more depressed than anyone I've ever met.

"Well.. Yeah, b-but it's alright Bill! I'm used to it! And I get that it's well deserved," I tried comforting, and convincing.

He broke the hug and looked me in the eyes upon me saying that, a shocked expression spread all across his face, eyes wide.

"Tré..." he spoke so softly, "You don't actually think you deserve it right?" He laughed a little at the last part, still shocked though. He looked at me waiting for me to prove him right, but I just put my head down.

"Shit! Tré, people like me are just mean, and they do it to fill their ego, okay?? It's not your fault," he finished talking and then hugged me again.

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